Stats & Permissions

Jun 21, 2010 12:47


Age: 17
Height: ? medium-shortish. 5'6" or so?
Weight: ? slender.
Medical Info: Is a weapon! Otherwise, physically healthy.
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond
Physical traits: Is dressed like a priest - coat, collar, and hat - but (IMPORTANT) he is not wearing crosses and skulls as he is in his anime icons; instead, he has eye symbols at his wrists, around his neck, and on his earbuds. He is almost always wearing his earbuds and blasting music to the point that it's audible a few feet away, and therefore he cannot hear you!
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Anything's probably fine, if you think it might be touchy, ask.
Abilities: Is a guillotine! That is, he can physically transform into a guillotine. He can also transform only parts of himself into parts of a guillotine, i.e. a blade on his forearm, his arm into a lunette, etc. He is also a Deathscythe, which is a power rank that means he has shiny special abilities, notably an energy blast called "Law Abiding Silver Gun." He can also increase his power through prayer. He also has other abilities that come via combining with an avatar of insanity, but for now the clown isn't in camp, so I'm saying that's not in play. ...He can also read lips.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Has a very strong soul, and may be recognizable as a weapon to people who can sense such things. Is very devoted, although his devotion is less wholesome than it might appear at first glance. His god is the kishin Asura, which means he essentially worships insanity. He's actually pretty crazy, arrogant, and sadistic!
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Violence will be reciprocated, but feel free!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: May also be reciprocated with violence, but feel free!
Maim/Murder/Death: Maybe. Ask!
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