So! Justin is a priest! That means he is theoretically a priest of... a religion!
How does religion work in Soul Eater, you ask, where you have the god of death running a school and people's souls are physical objects that you can eat?
The answer to this question is: IDEFK, and I've been playing from this canon for years. :Db
I wanted to put up a few notes here though:
There is a notable difference in Justin's lines in the anime vs. the manga, even before the storylines branch off and do things that are wildly different! This is particularly notable in his prayer to power up and kill Giriko's golem:
Manga: (scanlations, as the official manga isn't there yet)
We the people of the city of death
beseech you, our God, as Christ is just
Oh God, let me be an instrument of your peace
I am a pillar of justice
a blade of faith
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Law Abiding Silver Gun!
Anime: (official subs, although the fansubs I have are similar)
Oh, Lord of ours in the city of Death
May Your name be kept true
Oh, Lord of Death. I am Your servant of peace
I am a pillar of justice
a blade of faith
in the name of Death
Law Abiding Silver Gun!
You notice that the explictly Christian references have been taken out in favor of making it seem that Justin worships Shinigami himself! This is a pretty big difference!
Now, I'm playing Justin from the manga, and due to *spoilers* he's not actually worshipping either the Christian God or Shinigami. He's worshipping the kishin. BUT I have made the decision to keep around the Christian imagery, not least because it... gives me something to work with.
I have also made the executive decision that Christian mythology exists in more or less a similar form to the one we know, since there are churches and Christmas and references to such, although how that interacts with the rest of Soul Eater mythology... idefk. I will roll with it. And have Justin pretend not to hear any questions I don't know how to answer. /o/
Let me know if anyone has questions/concerns!