internet go boom

Mar 22, 2005 08:08

We called up Verizon the other night to have them cut long-distance service to our land line. We don't need it, we never use it.
Around the same time, the Internet stopped working! We called our provider, not them, the modem was fine, we thought it was Verizon. Turns out, it wasn't them either! DLJ found a loose cord this morning. We had gotten new cordless phones this weekend, as the old system held a charge for about 3 minutes, literally, then went dead. Somehow in putting in the new base, a cord went wonky in the jack. But DLJ found it, and so when I get home, there will be internet again!
Last night he had to work late, so I was home alone with no Internet to amuse me! Horror! I put away some CostCo purchases (buying in bulk is great but it is really hard for a family of TWO), read for awhile, started making pasta and then saw that Dragavonne had called. He was making steak and invited me over. I love my alone time but I am also trying to work on community. If the current goals of western society are not align with what mine are, as I have been thinking, what should be there in place of that? Connections. Friends. People. So I said "sure!" and went over, where I nibbled some YUMMY steak and wrapped most of it up for DLJ, who loves meat and I think I've cooked steak for him once in five years. Chat chat, converse, converse, then I went home.
Today is Tuesday, which means gym day. It might rain again today. And now I have some verk to do!
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