Drink: Vanilla Frappucino
Song: Christmas Bells- RENT or Only Hope- Mandy Moore. Likely to change though. xD
Color: PINK.
Sport: Tennis
Store: Hot Topic
Music: Techno, pop.
Food: Taco Salads!
Season: Winter and Summer.
Day: Thursday. (Kind of odd, but I'm happy on Thursdays knowing I'm more than halfway through the school week.)
Born: June 20th.
Height: 5’2”
Hair color: Very dirty blonde.
Eye color: Green (Glasses too.)
Skin color: Pale-ish and tannish. o_O;
Mood: Generally happy. I get kind of pissy at times. But only when I'm surrounded with too much stupid.
Residence: My room. It's shaped like a square. Squares rock.
Sex: Female
Education level: 7th Grade.
Sign: Gemini with traits of Cancer, because apparanetly I'm a cusper? o_O; Like how chichi is born the last day of Capricorn, me too. Yay?
Do you believe in love?: Yes.
Have you ever been heart broken?: Yes.
Have you ever broken someones heart?: Not that I know of.
Have you ever told someone I love you?: My family.
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: No.
Are you afraid of commitment?: No.
Does anyone love you (romantically)?: I doubt it. Fat and ugly. Yeah, all the boys I know are assholes.
Love or lust: Love.
Hard liquor or beer?: Neither.
Hook-ups or relationships?: Relationships.
T.V. or internet: Internet.
Pepsi or Coke?: PEPSI.
Wild night out or romantic night in?: I think going out on a romantic dinner date would be fun, but wild nights out can be just as fun~
Saturday or Sunday?: Saturday.
Colored Or Black & White?: Colour~
Phone or in person?: Person.
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla.
Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: Never snuck out~
Have you ever skinny dipped?: Nope
Have you ever done something you regret?: Yep
Have you ever bungee jumped?: Nope
Have you ever been on a house boat?: Nope
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: Nope, I hate jaw breakers.
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt?: Nope.
Have you ever stayed up all night 'til the sun came up?: All the time, man. All the time.
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: Uh, no. o_O
Ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out?: Nope.
Are you missing someone right now?: Nope
Are you happy?: Yes.
Are you German?: I don't think so.
Are you Indian?: Nope.
Are you Irish?: I may be, like a sixteenth or something.
Are you Italian?: ^ same with the above, but I'm sure that I'm a tad Italian.
Are you Polish?: I don't beleive so.
Are you Hispanic?: No.
Are you of any direct African decent?: No~
Are you Asian?: No~
Are your parents still married?: Yes.