Ren says that Jezzy's Livejournal is Friends Only!

Jun 30, 2007 18:49

Want to be added? Follow these easy steps:

  1. Do we have things in common? Look at my interests. I'd like it if we were into the same fandoms and such.
  2. Are you nice? Are you tolerant of other people's views? Can you take an angsty entry every now and then? We all have our days.
  3. Will you post comments now and then and actually be my friend? I like posting comments on my friends' entries, so a little comment on my own entries every now and then would make me feel all warm and fuzzy. ^^
  4. One of the most important. Do you have good grammar? Do U tYpE lYkE dIs?!!1!!! If you do, please don't ask to be my friend. I have a "thing" about grammar.

Think you're good to go? Then comment and see what happens! Chances are I'll add you. I've been told I'm a nice person ^^
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