Apr 10, 2016 06:26
"I didn't get no sleep 'cause-a y'aaaall! Y'all never get no sleep 'cause-a meeee!"
One of the Facebook groups I belong to was shut down a day or two ago. The group organizer set up a private chat room for the members. In a bit of bad timing, my cell phone private message tone began sounding around 11:00 last night as I was trying to fall asleep. I decided to stay up for a couple of hours to chat, then signed off and went back to bed. My attempt to fall asleep again was foiled by someone posting to the group just after 3 AM. I set my cell phone to "Do Not Disturb" mode, but allowing the wake-up alarm. I got maybe 10-15 minutes of sleep. I'll get more sleep after work today.
cell phone,