Aug 27, 2010 19:38
On the ColoFurs forum, I stated my goal was to get my weight below 300 by the end of the year. It looks like that goal is well within reach!
My top weight a couple years ago was over 340 pounds. Since my scale only goes up to 350 and my 3XL clothes were just barely fitting me, I definitely didn't want to gain any more weight. I managed to get back down to 325 last year before yo-yo'ing between 320 and 330 for a long time. Joining Overeaters Anonymous in June gave me the help and encouragement to eat healthier and actually keep track of what I eat. After about 6 weeks, I discovered my weight had gone down to 312.
So...imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale between breakfast and lunch today (2 weeks later) to find I weighed 305! I wasn't expecting that much of a drop since I had exceeded 2,000 calories on 5 of the last 14 days. I mainly credit my weight loss to drinking water when I feel stressed instead of eating junk food, and switching to low-calorie/low-fat snacks like Popsicles and FlaVorIce ("otter pops.") I also only weigh myself once every one or two weeks. I used to weigh myself nearly every day, which made me feel like I wasn't making progress, leading to more anxiety and eating. I think my condo's lack of air conditioning and indoor summer temps between 75-82F have helped me sweat off a few more pounds.
I'm still holding out hope I can find a job before October or November. That would be one less thing to be anxious about. It would also let me save up money for Further Confusion and/or Furry Fiesta next year. Maybe by then I'll be able to fit in 2XL clothes instead of 3XL! I currently need to use a belt to keep my non-elastic-waist pants up, so that's a good sign.
furry convention,