Feb 19, 2009 21:22
So I got my CPR certification card today, also took test number two. First one was an 87, the second a 96. I need to keep up the studying, and crack down on the workbook.
I'm enjoying the class, it's a bit difficult but I'm hoping to do well. I mean, it's the matter of saving lives, I *have* to do well. Everything's resting, the next couple of years, are resting that I do this class well enough to pass, then pass the National exam. As you can imagine, that stresses me out a little.
There's one other hitch, however, and that's driving. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm being essentially forced to get a license. It's the laws of the road, of EMT work given it's all set up by the Department of Transportation. I already failed the test last week, ran a stop sign--didn't hurt anyway, but I just drifted on pass. ._. Ee-diot. Saturday's my next shot, it was today but I nearly stayed up til 4 AM last night, and I just was so tired and worried about tonight's test on airways that I rescheduled it. Best thing, really, I would've failed again I know so it's better to wait a couple of days rather than a full week.
I really want this. Maybe really wanting it will mean finally, something good will happen?