It's Only Happy 'Cause I'm Wearing Green

Mar 17, 2008 19:30

So as some know, I did not make it to Alexandria. Family emergency, I won't say who or who's family it was. No one wants sympathy, they've already received enough as it is. Either way, the family member is fine, but we canceled the trip beforehand.

Today is St. Patrick's Day, so, obviously I'm wearing green. Even on GaiaOnline, I'm dressed up in my happy green goodness. Not ridiculously green, but I look good enough for me. Same in RL, mostly wearing green accessories, white shirt with the words "I'm not short, I'm Leprechaun Sized!" in green font, black font underlying it.

Of course, all previous plans, and plans made last night, so far have been destroyed. No blueberry ale, no rabid geek conversations about Star Wars and our delicious Podcast in creation. No John so far, either, he bought a new car and basically forgot we were supposed to hang out.

But, hey, I had a good walk today and I feel good. I'm going to do some push-ups (inclined, still) in a bit. Twenty, I figure, I can do the other twenty later. I'm getting better at them, although I need to get back to learning my orders again. I am so lazy with those things. It's not as interesting when I don't have anyone to share it with. I don't know anyone in the United States Navy. I know a person in the Canadian Navy, Australia's Armed Forces, an ex Army Intelligence ...guy, it's Tyler's dad, and a few other random military-related people. No U.S. Navy, aside from my lazy ass recruiter. I even met an Army Ranger... A bit wack-jobbie, bit Rainman-y with the dates. No, really, he's insanely good with dates, although he introduced himself three times. That was just while walking to the disappointment that is BC Library. Damn the audiobooks, since when were people so lazy they don't just open up a book and read it?
Anyway, it turns out I can still do art. Yay! Opencanvas seems to like me, and--although it might take longer--I can paint with it. It's different from my usual style, but I like it! Someone's paying me 10K in gold on GaiaOnline for a chibi.
I think I'll update again tomorrow and try to keep this thing a bit more active. Also... If anyone knows of a good RP journal that has some open spots for female characters, lemme know. (Probably no one but... I can try.)

life, art, navy, tyler, rant, john

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