I Can Do This, I Think

Mar 27, 2009 14:29

Y'know I have to say, my LJ usually sees the darker side of me, it rarely sees anything happy or good... Strangely, I had planned for this new LJ to be all kinds of happy and good. Eh well, things happen.

So, now for a... Uh. I wouldn't call it entirely upbeat, but realistically upbeat entry. Better than the last one, at least, which was to warn some people about things, and others to BACK AWAY FROM THE LIVE JOURNAL. IT'S A LITTLE COINCIDENTAL THAT YOU EMAILED ME THAT NIGHT. Talkin' to you, Red, talkin' to you.


Ryan and I are talking about reopening PJ. Sure, everyone seen it coming from miles away, Kitsune knew it'd happen, and friends likely won't be surprised. It was my baby for years, but now it's a sort've new baby. It's went through something unique: I don't mind if it opens or not, it's not my crazed goal to make it perfect. I'm aiming for good, decent, something open that people can enjoy casually. I do my storylines as I please, if someone has a problem, oh well they can find someplace else to RP. I'll take input, of course, let the players move the story as they please, for all I'll manage is the outside sources; NPCs, the weather, some of the News, and of course our resident deathmonger, Vogelgeist. VG's exclusively mine, everything else Ryan and Kit will also run/play. Moriko, too, if she makes a magical return. (I doubt it, but I'm keeping the birds. I liked them too much.) But yeah. I'll open it, but I'm not pressuring myself, it's just "so if it happens, it happens, cool. Meanwhile, yay no maor artblock!" Also, I really wanna RP April Kay again, and Abba. I love those two. ^O^

Random Random: The guy talking on this History channel show is hot. Like, geeky hot. I want to play with his hair. An' he likes dinosaurs, like velociraptors. THE ANGRY CHICKEN DINO RAWRRR :3 /Random Random

As per the Star Wars Legacy Project~ Uh. Sam and I haven't even spoke about it since... What. Feb? We mentioned about doing it this summer, but that's about it. So, expect come April/May that we start brainstorming ideas. Or something. Yeah. I have one idea about the alien voices, Sam, I'll IM you about it later. But yeah, nothing really much on that project yet, I have no idea why I started an account for it when I knew it'd be a while.

For RL stuff: Nursing ~ Y'know, I'm scared to death I won't, well, be able to handle death. I care for people and things too much, how on earth am I to handle someone dying in the back of the ambulance and I could be to blame? My ride time is next Saturday, and as it gets closer, the more worried I get. Also, I know I'll be starting my period that week. So, I'm PMSing majorly right now, and this round which is a-typical for the month of March is a crying PMS run. Basically meaning every few hours I start crying and I'm not 100% why. Aggrivatin' as heck, it's dampering my happy-happy splashy-happy-color-in-my-brain I've-eaten-tons-of-pixi-stix time. >O< No, that wasn't s'posed to make any sense whatso ever. Kinda like Shinga's "if Head Trip was an Episode of Firefly" comic. Yeah. I read Head Trip now, too. I <3 Shinga.

ART BLOCKS SUCK BY THE WAY, but I think I'm about to break it this week, I've been sketching some. Mostly Neopets but, it's something, right? Right? Aww, c'mon, half of my art friends play Neopets, it's totally cool and okay that I play it. Even if I have six accounts, plus a seventh I share with Mom who has three accounts she's managed back into. An' that I play Subeta. THEY HAVE AN AVATAR SYSTEM, AND I CAN LAYER HOW I DAMN WELL PLEASE. It makes the April very happy. :3 Why? Well, the colors are so bright... But yeah, I felt artsy today, so I figure maybe tomorrow or late tonight I might finish my team pic or draw my fursona finally. (I figure it'll be a squrril/dog/goat mix.) YES, APRIL HAS A FURSONA. I LIKE ANIMALS. It's not an anthro, it's an animal fursona. Although I wouldn't surprise myself if I drew one. I mean, c'mon, I have olisikits, I'm one hop away from the "evil" land of furries. I've already done half-animal bits of myself. I don't care who likes it and who doesn't, it's my life, and I like fluffy tails. :3


Oh and I'm getting a new puppy this evening. Mwhahahahahaha! I AM A PUPPY HOARDER. ALL OF YOUR CUTE PUPPY ARE BELONG TO ME.

life, art, pokemon, star wars

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