May 10, 2008 22:13
So Mary and I have been discussing the 2nd annual Maguire Pool Party/BBQ. Last year was a very big success. So this year we want ti gi a kittle bigger and a little better...we are proud to report that this year's Pool Party/BBQ is going gourmet. We just came home from a Rockland Lions meat raffle, and we won one of the 6 trays. It contained 12lds of ribs a 9 lbs smoked pork shoulder, 5 lbs of hot dogs, 3 lbs of kilbasa, two whole chickens and 5 lbs of chicken wings. So tentaively this shindig is scheduled for July 21st. So everything should be great hope everyone is available for the party.
This is going to be awsome.
OH by the way PLEASE don't hold the 3rd annual Maguire Pool Party/BBQ in the same standards as the 2nd annual, because this is such a fluke.
Later Mark.