Feb 27, 2008 12:50
The answers.
1.[aiming gun at clerk] Open up the cash register. That's right, dude, us three bone heads are sticking you up. Open up that register before I have to get nasty.
[Pager goes off]
Excuse me, sir, could I please use your telephone? 3 Ninjas
2.Put him in a straitjacket and give him an enema! Wait, give him an enema FIRST, then put him in a straitjacket! Dracula Dead and Loving it.
3.For me this is all personal. It's all about family and honor. Why do you do it? What do you hope to get out of it?
:Oh, I don't know. Maybe some self-realization
: And what have you got out of it so far?
: Nightmares. Van Hellsing
4.Say, what's another word that rhymes with dimension?
: Yeah, tension, and I'm full of it so shut up. Mario Bros.
5.I hate trees.
: They don't bother me.
: Ya, well, you weren't in the last one Jurassic Park
6.Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and screaming. Jurassic Park 2
7.[goes up to snack machine and takes coins out] Ahm... I need change here.
: [tired of the stupidity] Ah for gosh sakes, use your brains!
[breaks the glass on the snack machines with a kick and then reaches in and takes some things out]
: [Paul does the same to his snack machine] Jurassic Park 3
8.: Yo mamas so hairy, the only language she speaks is wookie! Meet the Spartans
9.Sir, the Arcturans have destroyed the remainder of the fleet. I sent a distress signal to all ships across the galaxy, BUT we're headed straight into their sun, and our engines are about to explode.
: I have not yet begun to fight.
: Now would be a great time to start. Spaced Invaders
10. Are you telling me that 200 of our men against your boy is a no-win situation for us?
: You send that many, don't forget one thing.
: What?
: A good supply of body bags Rambo First Blood
11.Are we awake?
: We're not sure. Are we black?
: Yes, we are.
: Then we're awake, but very puzzled Blazing Saddles
12.What part of Georgia you from? South Central? Robin Hood men in Tights
13.What you need is a fatty-boom-batty blunt, and I guarantee you'll be seeing a sailboat, an ocean, and maybe even some of those big-titted mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit. Look at me, look at me, you sloppy bitch! MallRats
14.Hey Leo, now that you're famous you'll get a lot more sex than anyone in your class. Deep Impact
15.I don't believe it. She got him in the water.
: Never underestimate the power. Jaws 3-D