Jan 19, 2010 05:24
I feel bad watching old Friends episodes because it feels like I'm being insensitive to race or other cultures homehow..I know the epis I'm watching are half-based in London, but... that's it, y'know? They go back to NY and that's it. I feel like I'm being socially insensitive somehow. I mean, I think Britons have the best accent ever and all that, but watching Friends past season 4 feels like I"m being a douche somehow.
I don't know. Am I being a stuck-up American somehow? Am I somehow assuming everyone has my accent/language, because I know I do at certain points. I don't want to offend people, but I'm already assuming stuff as I watch these old season 5 Friends episodes. I don't want to alienate anyone, but it just seems like they do it for me. I dont' know.
I don't want to alienate anyone. I just.... wanna watch a show.