title: shut up and kiss me
type: flash fiction (332 words)
fandom: shinee
pairing: 2min
rating/warnings: pg
author's notes: 15-minute challenge piece. prompt: "you're cuter with your mouth closed." originally posted
you say it best when you say nothing at all )
guh, i can't tell you how glad i am to see an update and i love your flash fictions so much, i can't express it well enough. and there's always a need for me to tell you that i really admire your skill in writing.
the opening is so intimate and honest, it instantly endears me to the story already - and it's so true that i can relate to it. ugh, omg, your taemin's so precious and so in love it's almost heartbreaking. well to me. i'm a pretty sensitive person i cried watching Fame, so there.
only now it's kind of extended to "anyone". not just him anymore, back when they were still fledglings with neat hair and wide eyes and awkward smiles at the camera. back when it was the two of them, hiding behind the others, reaching out to each other in an attempt to affirm some semblance of constancy in the crazy world they had been thrust into.
♥ ;__; your way with words.
have i mentioned your fics stay with me forever, no matter the length? i really liked this and i'm so glad i read this, thank you so much. ;~;
/crawls away into my hole again
I'm a pretty big sap, too, so let's cry together, haha! I imagine that realizing, watching your relationship slowly change with someone in that manner is a little painful - maybe not enough to bring you in tears all the time because it's so gradual, but enough to have you missing bits and pieces of how things used to be.
I'm really really honored and happy to have received your feedback on this. Thank you so much for all of this! ♥ /hides in hole with you
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