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tralala /ignores hiatus raisedtolove January 25 2011, 23:09:36 UTC
( Arizona turns around with her coffee to see... wow, that's a really, really tall guy. In the house.

Ah... ha. )

Oh! Hi. Um.

( Ummmm. )

I think you might need some coffee. Uh. Hi.

( Nodding and just having no idea what to do. )


Re: tralala /ignores hiatus lunawolves10th January 25 2011, 23:13:41 UTC
[The huge man blinks a few times.]

"I'm... sorry. Coffee?" [he looks at her blankly for a long, long time, before taking in the scent of it.] "Oh. You mean recaf."

[he puts his hands over his eyes for a moment.]

"I'm not dead, am I?"


raisedtolove January 25 2011, 23:27:17 UTC
Recaf, sure. This isn't decaf though, this is the real deal. It'll make you feel better. ( she hands out her mug to him - she hadn't had any yet. ) Milk, sugar?

( a sympathetic sigh. ) You're not dead. You've just been thrown into a really weird situation that it might be hard to get your head around.


lunawolves10th January 25 2011, 23:38:07 UTC
"So I have surmised. I am Garviel Loken, Captain of the 10th Company of the Luna Wolves..." [he shakes his head when he says that, then sips the coffee without adding anything to it] "And thank you. I am uncertain what to do in a situation like this. I was made for war, and...." [he looks around.] "I was about to die, most likely. That was my last memory, before coming here."


raisedtolove January 26 2011, 03:32:30 UTC
Garviel. ( She'll start making another cup of coffee. ) I'm Arizona, and I... unfortunately can't say that anything you said about the Luna Wolves sounds familiar to me.

( A blink. Oh. Oh... that's... intense. ) Are you okay? I mean, you're here, so you're not, but do you need to sit down? That's some pretty heavy information. ( and here she'd been jarred about romantic troubles prior to arriving. Oh, Arizona. )

The basic summary is that we've been kidnapped to this bizarre world, and no one knows a way out.


lunawolves10th January 26 2011, 03:40:19 UTC
[Garvi sits down. The chair will undoubtedly groan under his weight.]

"That's concerning, to say the least." [he looks a little sad, then shrugs it off, speaking again in a slightly gravelly voice.]

"It is a pleasure to meet you, ah, Mamzel Arizona. Have you been here long?"


raisedtolove January 26 2011, 04:06:47 UTC
To say the least. ( she feels bad for him, but-- ) you're taking this better than I did.

Just Arizona, really. And only a couple of weeks. I'm still... adapting, I guess. ( she nods to herself, then takes a moment. ) Um. So, this place? It's called Mayfield. And the reason we're in the same house is because... ( hah, she's laughing a little because this is ridiculous ) is because our kidnappers want us all to pretend to be happy families. For some reason.


lunawolves10th January 26 2011, 04:09:45 UTC
[He shrugs massively] "That seems strange. It will be difficult for me. I have never had a family outside of my battle-brothers, at least, not for the last hundred years or so. I apologize if I, ah, offend you. I believe the ways of the Luna Wolves will likely seem strange to you. I know my remembrancer often found them to be so."

[he looks thoughtful at the name mayfield.] "Mayfield, you say? And what star do we orbit, what constellation are we in?"


raisedtolove January 26 2011, 04:30:31 UTC
( Hundred... years, she's just going to leave that and ignore it. ) It's okay, I'm friends with a lot of socially... different people, some of whom are pretty offensive. It's part of what's lovable about them. ( oh, surgeons. Such distinct personalities. ) My ways will be strange to you, too, probably. I mean I'm kind, ha, a little quirky.

Mmhm, yep. Umm. I... don't know. They say we're in America, and America is on Earth and revolves around the Sun, but uh... I don't think we're really in America. This is all wrong.


lunawolves10th January 26 2011, 04:40:29 UTC
"Nord... Merica? One of the pre-unity countries on Terra, if I remember my lessons from Sindermann correctly. That would imply..." [he face goes thoughtful for a moment.] "What year is this?"

[he shrugs at her comment about being quirky] "In all honesty, Astartes see little of the rest of humanity, occupied as we are with war. If I'm to be in a barracks with you for some time I shall undoubtedly accept your behavior as normal. And I have dealt with a few unmodified humans in the fleet before. On a personal level. Three remembrancers, one a prose writer, one a drunken poet, and one a pict-recorder. I'll do my best to accept you. Try not to get sick on my boots though. It was always annoying when Karkasy did that."


raisedtolove January 31 2011, 05:09:56 UTC
Close? North America. ( clearing her throat ) It sounds similar, but it could be totally different. I've heard there's a whole bunch of different worlds, difference... everything you can imagine, almost. Right now it's like we're stuck in the 1950s, but I'm from 2010. I don't get it, personally. Not at all.

( nod nod nod okay, she cam work with this ) I'll do my very best. Thankfully I don't tend to get an upset stomach easily, so I think we'll be okay. ( ... ) Does that happen often to you?


lunawolves10th January 31 2011, 05:18:37 UTC
"Only when he was drunk."

[he flashes what might have been a brief grin.]

"Mmm. I believe you are in my distant past, before the dark ages of technology. In a way... I envy you that time. Wars were less.... horrific. Humanity hadn't awakened to the dangers beyond terra."


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