14th oath of the moment: Legion of One

Jun 23, 2011 20:56

11 PM, backdated to Wednesday night. Action 1, locked to 2237 Stevens Residents: [ Garviel awakens after a day of droning, and the awakening is not a gentle one. A yell of pain can be heard, and then silence, aside from his heavy steps as he descends the stairs of the home and swiftly armors himself in his Astartes plate without a word to anyone ( Read more... )

canon updated, heresy?, life after the orbital strike, grimdark, heresy!, the last wolf

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At L'Déplaisant inababanchou June 24 2011, 04:01:40 UTC
[ Souji is seated in the center of the restaurant. Since it was summer he had all the time in the world, and one of his first orders of business was to check out this restaurant. He's having some trouble selecting something appetizing from the menu. ]


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:03:02 UTC
[A figure casts Souji in shadow, looming over him, and grates out with a slightly weary tone.]

May I take your order, Ser?


inababanchou June 24 2011, 04:04:03 UTC
[ Souji looks up. ]

Garviel? I didn't know you worked here.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:06:37 UTC
Yes. This is my designated work, according to the town. [He says it flatly, but his eyes show his bitterness.]


inababanchou June 24 2011, 04:08:16 UTC
I'm a boy scout thanks to this place. I'm happy to hear you can adapt pretty well. Your manners are always eloquent.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:13:06 UTC
I think they will be less so now. [His face doesn't change, just remains flat.] I have had impressed upon me the need for us to all return home in a very dramatic way.


inababanchou June 24 2011, 04:16:36 UTC
[ Souji was going to reply with a joke about Garviel taking it easy with the theatrics, but thanks to Souji's overwhelming UNDERSTANDING he didn't and potentially didn't suffer getting flayed with a chain sword.

Souji puts the menu down. ]

Dramatic how?


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:20:55 UTC
[Garviel looks down at Souji.]

I first awoke here thinking I was dead. I was not. Now I know this, and I know my service to the Emperor and humanity is not done, so this becomes not just a trap keeping me from well-earned rest, but a trap that keeps me from fulfilling my oaths. We should not abide in this prison.


inababanchou June 24 2011, 04:26:36 UTC
[ Souji listens. He's good at that. But Garv's preaching to the choir. ]


[ It didn't take much for him to put what Cain said about his world and what Garviel represented to figure out that well-earned rest was death after inflicting a lot more death. Souji managed a small smile. He was very familiar with such fanaticism and loyalty to such a cause. His country made suicide attacks famous. ]

I hope we all get our own rest long after we're free from here. There's a lot we still have to do first.


lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 22:34:34 UTC
Perhaps. I've been told little about my new purpose yet.


inababanchou June 25 2011, 21:44:33 UTC
When were you told your new purpose?


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 05:34:07 UTC
About an hour before I ended up here. Just that Malcador, the right hand of the Emperor, had a mission for me.


inababanchou June 26 2011, 09:49:56 UTC
That sounds serious. Is there anything I can do to help?


lunawolves10th June 27 2011, 02:50:50 UTC
Nothing, except be ready to help when the time comes for us all to smash a way out of here. I think you were planning on that already.

[Garviel actually smiles a bit.]


inababanchou June 27 2011, 07:27:42 UTC
Of course.

[ Souji returns Garv's smile with a wide grin. ]

Give the command and I'll have a dozen mobilized.


lunawolves10th June 28 2011, 02:25:47 UTC
I truly appreciate that. I shall let you know when the time comes.

[ Social link up? Emperor? ]


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