14th oath of the moment: Legion of One

Jun 23, 2011 20:56

11 PM, backdated to Wednesday night. Action 1, locked to 2237 Stevens Residents: [ Garviel awakens after a day of droning, and the awakening is not a gentle one. A yell of pain can be heard, and then silence, aside from his heavy steps as he descends the stairs of the home and swiftly armors himself in his Astartes plate without a word to anyone ( Read more... )

canon updated, heresy?, life after the orbital strike, grimdark, heresy!, the last wolf

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lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 03:12:18 UTC
[ Garviel hears the explosion, and even through his helm scents the stink of the burning tree, the taint of psyker power. He snarls, and draws his chainsword, turning to slay the sorcerer, eyes scanning for targets. And then he sees the psyker in question. The chainsword's buzzing halts. He just stares silently at her. It has been months of madness, blood, and hatred for him. And there she is, the one good thing in Mayfield. The one piece of purity that nothing could erase. He speaks with a voice that carries pain with it, but certainty as well. His doubts, his confusion are all gone now. But his oath to her is forever. ]

Rin Tohsaka.


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lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 03:32:43 UTC
[ Garviel reaches up, unsealing his helm. His face is the same as ever, but the eyes are different somehow. Less gentle? He looks like a man who has been exposed to horror, who hasn't seen anyone else in a long, long time. He hesitates, as if remembering how to speak. ]

Yes, my partner, I am back. [ He notices her tears a moment later, and crosses to her, kneeling so they're more or less eye to eye. ]


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lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 04:10:26 UTC
I said until the end. I meant it. [He reaches up without thought, catching one of the tears as it trails down her face, a moon-silvered bit of liquid on the tip of his battle-scarred gauntlet.]

But I was gone... for several months, possibly more. I told you that I believed myself dead before I came here, did I not?


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I declare we need an icon of them together, hugging or otherwise lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 05:10:10 UTC
[Garviel leans in, not as though he is going to kiss her, but another intimate gesture. He leans his forehead against her as she rests her head against his palm. The closest he will come to another human, to someone he loves. Not as a brother, not as a father, or anything else.... it's just love. Acceptance and caring.]

No. I lived. I lost everything, I went mad, but I was saved by loyalty, honor, and bravery. I almost became a monster.... but instead I have a task again. I have purpose. I will be broken and remade, like a blade.

But I am still Garviel Loken. And you are still Rin Tohsaka. And we are bound. Time and space cannot change that. Nor can pain. The oaths I made are still here. [He gestures to his chest plastron.] And here. [He touches his head.] And in my hearts as well.


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lunawolves10th June 24 2011, 22:21:11 UTC
I did go mad... but the things I slew were daemons. Restless dead, mockeries of life on a dead planet.

But when men were sent to save me, to find me, I almost killed them as well. If not for a display of bravery and honor... I don't know what I might have become.

[Garviel nods, and with his right arm, he embraces her lightly, head agaist head, left hand on her cheek. And he holds her in silence for a long time.]


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lunawolves10th June 25 2011, 13:56:15 UTC
[ Garviel seems loath to stop holding her, so he doesn't. He does whisper to her though, breaking the silence. ]

I am here, and you are here. For the moment that must be enough for us both.


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lunawolves10th June 27 2011, 01:23:43 UTC
[He nods, and lets her go.]

I know. So we'll fight to return to the places where we are needed.

[ And in so doing, he'll give her up. This tiny little precious person he cares so much for. Because it's the right thing to do. ]


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lunawolves10th June 27 2011, 02:34:43 UTC
[ He steps back, and stands, looking down into her eyes ]

And so we shall. Let us make an oath on this, here, together. [ He offers his hand to her ]


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