7th oath of the moment:

Mar 17, 2011 23:04

Action 1, locked to the road-trip group ( Read more... )

heresy?, church visit, grimdark, heresy!, awkward, blues brothers car, omg bears!, head trauma

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2 obv expiatrice March 18 2011, 05:17:14 UTC

Strange. The Church is a public building, so people are free to walk in and out as they please. Though if someone is bothering to knock, then at least they must not be a drone.

Either way, she'll quickly make her way down the center row and open the door, her gaze widening slightly as she finds the large space marine, battered and bruised; likely injured by something spectacular, seeing that she already knew Garviel to be an experienced warrior.]

...Sir Loken. [Pulling the door full wide open so that he can step in without effort.] Please come in; I will treat those immediately.


lunawolves10th March 18 2011, 05:19:23 UTC
"Thank you, Mamzel Ciel." [he steps in, and there is pain in his face. But not physical pain, that is easily enough resisted.]


expiatrice March 21 2011, 23:51:29 UTC
[She'll just nod and lead the way towards the back; they can talk after he's patched up.

She'll lead the way into a simply furbished room, which contained a bed, a desk, and an armoire stocked on healing supplies. ...Granted she didn't really need any of those. Maybe just some bandages, but she's caught a glimpse that his physiology wasn't human. ...Heck, she could feel it, but that's what Spiritual Healing helps with.

Getting a pair of disinfected scissors anyway, along with a bowl of fresh water, a clean towel, and other supplies of that sort. He'll be asked to sit down on the bed first.]

May I begin?


lunawolves10th March 21 2011, 23:57:53 UTC
[he follows her, and will sit down, trying not to make the bed creak overmuch from his mass, moving rather gingerly.]

"Of course."

[He has a very stoic look about him now.]


expiatrice March 22 2011, 00:28:00 UTC
[She'll get to it, cleaning the wound and then closing it. Seeing that the type of healing practiced by the Church isn't done through thaumaturgy and it's not done not through the flesh but through the soul, it won't take long before his injuries are fully patched up.]

How is it now, sir Loken? [Admittedly it's not a human body so she's less familiar with it, but that should have at least stopped all bleeding, if nothing else.]


lunawolves10th March 22 2011, 01:47:55 UTC
[he stiffens a bit when she cleans and closes the wound, almost looking like he's seizing from pain, but this is to a person with good empathy more obviously shyness. He's not used to having women at all close to him.]

"It is well. Thank you, I am in your debt, Ciel." [he looks at her from his seated position, expression hard to read.]


expiatrice March 22 2011, 09:01:37 UTC
[Well he's a man, so if he displayed any slight signs of discomfort, she ignored them. She wasn't going to take long, and she knew him to be someone capable of enduring it; it should be fine soon.

She pulls away once she's done, and hands him a large towel that he can put over himself. ...She'd give him a garb, but nothing she has would fit a man of his stature, unfortunately.]

Think nothing of it. Are you wounded elsewhere? There's water to drink too, if you'd like.


lunawolves10th March 22 2011, 22:17:09 UTC
"Thank you."

[he shakes his head.]

"I got off lightly compared to the Baron. He was badly mauled but we managed to help him, or rather, Rin helped the Baron help himself. I was very proud of her, she was quite cool in a dangerous situation."

[he looks down at Ciel.]

"Have you tested the boundaries of this place at all, since they have changed?"


1/2 expiatrice March 23 2011, 01:56:14 UTC
...Mauled? Does this relate to the highway? I have heard of bear attacks, though they do seem to only become aggressive, once one is to stray from the main road.


2/2 expiatrice March 23 2011, 01:56:25 UTC

Wait what]

You took Tohsaka-san straight into the fray, sir Loken?

[Yeaaaaaaaah she doesn't look so happy right now. Did you really. Did you really?!]


lunawolves10th March 23 2011, 02:01:02 UTC
"No. We were ambushed."

[he sighs.]

"I simply brought her with me to analyze the strange highway, and we had not yet been warned about the dangerous nature of it. I brought weapons as a precaution, and when I realized she was in danger, I retreated."


expiatrice March 23 2011, 03:32:51 UTC
So you must have been among the first.

[She's still frowning, but doesn't say more.] How is she, and this baron that you spoke of?


lunawolves10th March 23 2011, 03:34:34 UTC
"Rin was not harmed. The Baron, Higgs, and myself would never allow her to be hurt by some foolish ursine beast. She helped us save the Baron's life, and then I came here, to be treated for my wounds. Rin insisted I see you, for some reason."

[he looks a bit puzzled by that.]

"Have you been out on the roads yourself?"


expiatrice March 23 2011, 05:24:32 UTC
I see. ...I have told you that I offered healing here before, have I not? What of this Baron and Higgs? Are they wounded?


Briefly. We've only taken a brief look, and did not do much investigating. What else did you find, other than the bears?


lunawolves10th March 27 2011, 17:29:51 UTC
"You have indeed, which was why I knew to come. Higgs is well, and the Baron is now stable after his rather unorthodox method of self-maintenance."

[he considers the question for a moment.]

"An old man, and a friendly young girl. They ran a promethium fuel station, and were both self-aware and helpful."


expiatrice March 29 2011, 03:47:02 UTC
That's a relief to hear. [she offers a small nod as well.]

At the station... I've seen it. Have you found any information?


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