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3 hungry_monster March 13 2011, 00:52:55 UTC
[Sitting on the edge of the hill, looking out at sun setting. He doesn't seem to notice you.]


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 00:58:50 UTC
[he walks over behind Johann, his shadow passing over him. For a moment, he is silent, looking down at the man. If he truly is like Erebus... it would be so easy. And yet... the captain is by nature a merciful man, and possessed over little in the way of true ruthlessness. He just looks down on him, remembering Nina's words. All of them.]


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 01:00:25 UTC
[He looks over.]

Hello. Can I help you?


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 01:01:11 UTC
"No." [he says flatly.]

"You have done enough."


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 01:02:01 UTC
Have I? And what exactly have I done?


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 01:11:41 UTC
"I can not say for sure, but your sister is now terrified of me."

[he shrugs.]

"I have known men such as you before. I have seen them accepted as close advisors to my leaders."

"I know why the galaxy burned."

[he looks coldly at Johan.]

"That is, if you are as your sister says."


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 01:29:44 UTC
[He looks at him, with a cool gaze.]

My sister and I grew up in Germany. In the aftermath of that political party I was telling you about.

We both know how organizations like that work. In fact I think you could say we know better then most. And my sister places a great deal of value on life.

I simply told her what you told me. Exactly what you told me. I did not change a single word. My sister would know if I had and I hope she knows I wouldn't lie about something like this.


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 01:36:10 UTC
"I see."

[he meets the gaze, and holds it.]

"The value your sister places on life is admirable. I share it, as much as any soldier is able."

[he looks to the setting sun.]

"I still think both you and your sister suffer from a misunderstanding of the nature of the Imperium, but I am not an iterator, nor can I replay a text from the history files to explain things as well as I would like."


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 01:43:46 UTC
Of course you do. I would expect nothing less from anyone in such an organization. Fanatical devotion is hardly something I've never seen before.

You share such a value...hm, I'm sure you do. Unless of course they're different then you. I suppose it doesn't matter then, does it? Or if it does, then it doesn't matter enough for you to go against orders.


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 01:52:28 UTC
[he speaks the next words bitterly.]

"If I had simply obeyed orders, I would not be here now. No, I did not obey orders. I turned away from the warrior lodges, from the corruption of my legion to the false gods."

"As Horus turned against the Emperor, he turned against those loyal to the Emperor within his Legion."

[his gray eyes narrow.]

"You do -not- understand me. You project your own fears onto me, the old, tragic past of Terra haunting you. I am not those men you spoke of. If I had been... I would not be here now, as I would still be serving Horus, butchering and reveling in my own personal corruption."


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 02:18:33 UTC
My own fears...

[An amused chuckle.]

And now you claim to understand me.

True, I only know what you told me. I've hardly lived in your world. But it's enough for me to know that whatever views you claim to hold, whatever moral's you claim to have. They simply don't match up with the story you tell.

Maybe I don't understand you. However my sister should know the truth, and that is what I told her.


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 02:20:48 UTC
"And what is this truth you perceive?"


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 02:28:49 UTC
The truth? I let you decide that. When I asked you those questions.

I wasn't lying when I said I told her what you said to me.


lunawolves10th March 13 2011, 02:55:33 UTC
[he shrugs.]

"I am wasting my time bandying words with you."

[he steps away, but not so far away that Johann cannot get in a parting shot.]


hungry_monster March 13 2011, 03:07:22 UTC
Yes, you really are.

[Just going back to looking at the sunset.]


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