First off, I just want to say that I enjoyed the second half of this story much more than I did the first half (The Impossible Astronaut).
In regards to the huge reveal, there is a general amount of understanding going through my brain -- Amy and Rory's kid has some weird time fluctuations around her and she can regenerate - I get all that. But there's also a general sensation of "What the fuck?" going across my brain at the same time. It's like I understand how it *could* be possible, and I don't at the same time.
I'll admit (begrudgingly) that I am VERY intrigued to find out about this particular storyline.
Also, Rory/Amy is <3 <3 <3. Every time I think I couldn't love them more, they surprise me. Granted, I would ship Rory with anyone (cos he's my favourite companion of Moffat!Era Who), but he's especially adorable with Amy because he loves her as much as I think 9 and 10 loved Rose. Which is a whole freakin' hell of a lot.
I find myself liking River more as a character, and finding her more sympathetic every time she shows up (although, she'll never make my list of top ten favourite Who women, I don't think. She's down there with Tegan. I'll grudgingly admit she has her moments). However, that kiss she shared with the Doctor at the end kind of squicked me out. Not because I have a problem with Doctor/River (though I do slightly, cos I am Doctor/Rose -- and a little bit of Doctor/Romana when I've been drinking-- across the board), but because Alex Kingston LOOKS so much older than Matt Smith. And while I have no problems with age gaps (I shipped a 900+ year old alien with a 19 year old earthling, after all), there's something about it that feels skeevy to me. Probably because he was older when she met him and she was a little girl. I don't know. I'm getting Emma/Mr Knightly vibes, and the romance in Emma always made me feel a bit weirder than any of the others. Cos he raised her (he was 16 when she was born), I'm getting the same vibes in Doctor/River romance. Plus, I don't think she is who she says she is.
I LOVED CANTON. And not just because I adore Mark Sheppard in all of his roles. The character himself was just fascinating. For one, YAY A GAY CHARACTER IN CONSERVATIVE AMERICA IN 1969. I <3 it!!!! Second, he kicks ass. I especially loved his quip when the Silence made the quip of "and none have ever tried to use guns against us," and Canton just says, "Well, welcome to America," and shoots him. HAHA. SUCH AN AMERICAN REACTION. We love to shoot things. (I am STRONG in support of gun control, can you tell? I can't help but be political).
Also, the Doctor's comment about liking that River was holding a gun. All I could think was, "I KNEW the Doctor was probably turned on when Rose turned up in the middle of the street with that BFG in Stolen Earth. If he likes it on River, he HAD to like it on her." Yeah, I know. I'm hopeless about letting go of my OTP. WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I will be shipping them over and over again until the day I die.
I also must give a mention to the awesomeness of the Doctor's quip of Nixon and Frost, and telling Nixon that he would be remembered. But conveniently forgetting to mention *why* that is. :) My family hates Nixon (and we got a good giggle during Fringe last year, out of Walter being creeped out about Over There have Nixon's head on a silver dollar).
And the promo for next weekend looks BRILLIANT. Between that and the Fringe finale, I might not have a brain. PIRATES AND CURSES AND RORY OH MY!!!