(no subject)

Jul 23, 2009 00:11

1). List your favourite female characters.
2). Explain why you like them or what makes them particularly awesome.
3). Post a picture and your favourite quote.
4). Tag five people to do the same.

In no particular order:

Echo from Dollhouse.

She's just so...well, kickass. She is entirely innocent in doll phase, but she can be a walking sexbomb if that's what clients want. She can also be a spy, a thief, etc. And, hell, she's sexy too. I'd do her.

Susan: The prince was a boy.
Echo: Yeah, but that's not his fault.

Djaq from Robin Hood

Having a Muslim with a bunch of Xians was win! And not only that, but she was smart, resourceful, and saved Robin's ass more times than anyone can count. And she could fight. I liked her the best of all the women on this show, and there have been quite a few. Plus, she was on the only one who didn't fall in love with Robin so that makes her pretty great right there.
Little John: [to Daniel] What?
Daniel: Nothing. It's just, I thought you'de be... taller
Little John: I am quite tall.
Daniel: But you know, like a giant.
Djaq: Men tend to lie about their size.

Lisa Turtle from Saved by the Bell.

I don't know why she's my favourite to be honest. You wouldn't really expect her to be because she's superficial and rude, but...I really love Lisa. I think it's because she really shows character growth and she is a really good friend to Zack, and when it counts, she's even nice to Screech. Plus, I always wished I was fashionable, and Lisa actually was. :)

Lisa: (as a waitress) You want toasted buns?! Go sit on a microwave!

Joan Girardi from Joan of Arcadia.

Easily one of the most relatable characters on television. She questions God, argues with him, makes mistakes, but still always comes out on top, even if it takes her a while to get there. And you always feel for her. One of the few shows that has EVER made me cry. And a plus? Joan looks just as ugly as I do when she does.

Joan: Are you there, God? It's me...Joan. And you SUCK!

Olivia Dunham from Fringe

She lives in one strange and freaky world, and she had no idea what she was doing at first. But as time has gone one, she's learnt to take the pseudo-science one freaky step at a time. I think I just have a thing for powerhouse women with guns...

Olivia: I was hoping you might have one of your...weird connections.
Peter: Weird connections?
Olivia: They're always a little weird.
Peter: Well, *you're* always a little weird.

Cordelia Chase on Angel.

What's not to love? Not only was she cute, she was the heart and soul of the group! Angel went to her for EVERYTHING as time went on, and she actually grew to be a caring and loving person. She never did quite learn tact (I mean, this is Cordelia we're talking about here), but she learnt to care about the world. And she learnt how to kick demon ass while doing it.

Cordelia: I was the ditsiest bitch in Sunnydale. Could've had any man I wanted. Now I'm all superhero-y, and the best action I can get is an invisible ghost who's good with the loofah.

Boomer/Athena/the 8 model on Battlestar Galactica

In the beginning, she was willing to blow her own brains out because she was terrified of being a cylon. Then she embraced it. and when she did embrace it, she became a HUGE source of good helping out Adama and the humans. I even named my car after her...
Lt. Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii: [Adama asks Sharon why the Cylons hate humanity so much] I don't know if 'hate' is the right word... it's like you said at the ceremony... you said something that sounded like it wasn't the speech you had prepared. You said, 'Man never asked itself why it should survive.' Maybe you don't.

Donna Noble in Doctor Who

She did not put up with the Doctor's crap. Nuff said. She was like the sister the Doctor never had, and she looked after him and loved him WITHOUT worshipping the ground he walked on, and it was refreshing. Granted, what they did with her in the end still breaks my heart...

The Doctor: I just want a mate!
Donna: You just want to what? You're not mating with me sunshine!
The Doctor: No, a Mate! *A* mate!
Donna: Good, cos I'm not having any of that! You're like a large stick of...nothing!

Anya on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

She can never quite get the hang of being human, and always says PRECISELY the wrong thing at the wrong time. But the more she gets it wrong, the more you can't help but love her. And when Xander did what he did, it was the one time I ever seriously felt like decking him. But her and Xander's duet is the cutest thing ever.
Anya: Look, I know you find me attractive; I've seen you looking at my breasts.
Xander: Nothing personal, but when a guy does that, it just means his eyes are open.

Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird

To this day, Scout Finch has been a favourite character of mine. She's totally believable and her relationship with her dad reminds me so much of mine that it's rather scary (only make Atticus a minister instead of a lawyer in my case). She misbehaves, but she's always seeking to understand her father's world and how she fits in it. She just likes to get in trouble with her brother Jem along the way...
Scout: Mr. Tate was right.
Atticus Finch: What do you mean?
Scout: Well, it would be sort of like shooting a mockingbird, wouldn't it?

And last but not least, because I'm getting tired...
Rose Tyler from Doctor Who.

I met the Doctor through her eyes, and fell in love with him with her too.  She always understood him, although I think she was a bit naive about him at times.  But she made him laugh and gave him something to love and dream about after losing his home planet.  Not to mention, she's fucking HOT.
Rose (to the Doctor):  I made my choice a long time ago, and I'm never gonna leave you!

I now tag quirkyoppossum , ramblingmonk , and that's it.  cos those are the only two I know personally.

frack you, buffy, meme, dollhouse, joan, doctor who

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