
Apr 30, 2009 13:37

on this day, one year ago, i received the greatest early-birthday gift ever: a tiny little Vivienne. hard to believe it has been so long already! we'll have cupcakes - which are for Zora, really, since with barely two teeth Vivi is still all about the mush - for dessert tonight, but today is mostly just symbolic. we're having a very small gathering on the 9th, with just grandma, us, and a couple of friends (after the family-drama-disaster that was Z's first birthday, we've learned our lesson). so far, Vivi has spent her day doing what she does right now: standing up, cruising furniture, not speaking, and thinking of how to climb stuff. she had her first non-baby-bathtub bath, and we'll go to target later where i will *begin* thinking of gifts (oops!).

today i celebrate you, little one, and all the joy and love you've brought to our family. and i celebrate us, for all making it through this first year!

Addendum: i posted right around Z's first birthday about how i couldn't remember much at all about her birth, from the time i went into the hospital to the time she arrived many, many days & nights later. the details are still a blur, even when looking back at J's notes. perhaps my brain deliberately blocked things out, because it was overall so traumatic an experience. but i realize now that i can remember every, little thing about V's birth. i even remember seeing her the moment she arrived and crying and feeling happy (very different from Z's first moment). and today i'm happy all over again.

several of my friends have just revealed they're expecting. PLEASE let this not be a condition that's going around. i don't care that Z keeps asking for a baby brother...
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