Jun 05, 2007 23:15
yesterday i spent awhile with students who were working on nature poetery. we were all sitting in a pavillion by the stream, it was raining, and the geese were feeding nearby.
in particular, i compared the geese broods. two adult geese seemed to have eight goslings between them, while another two geese only had one. why the disparity, i wondered? did i just imagine that the parents-of-eight seemed threatened by the parents-of-one?
in other news, my wrists aren't doing so well lately, so i'm keeping the recreational typing and writing to a minimum. and i'm implementing best practices for my wrists. this involves ergonomic and responsible muscle use that would be irresponsible for me to list at this point.
hrm. in other news, i'm feeling very thoughtful this evening. so "thoughtful" my emoticon dude will reflect.