Here is an update on my life:
1) I'm wearing flannel pajama pants that have pink moose on them because my living room is cold.
2) I bought a yellow bird Cosmetic bag from Vera Bradley, along with other things. Such as the latest book in the Sookie Stackhouse series, and
this dress. I'm really hoping it fits, I really don't know if it will. But even if it doesn't, I can still return it.
3) I spend lots of time with Peter, because there are a limited few that I care to see in RI. Usually we go to Starbucks where we run into people from Tollgate. Or we go to Hilltop Creamery where I eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup flurry with chocolate ice cream, or he comes over my house and we eat salmon, or we go to his house and eat chicken wings and watch The Big Bang Theory, or we go to the Providence Place Mall and look in the Apple store and the Sony store because we are that cool, or we go to Massachusetts to hang out with Bryce.
Actually the last one hasn't happened yet, but it will on Friday.
4) I spent a night at my Aunt's house and spent quality time with my favorite cousin/sister. We did fun things such as go to Carrabba's for dinner, play lots of card games, make marble cupcakes which was only slightly disasterous, Harry Potter scene it, Papa Gino's for lunch. I love my cousin, but after a while I start to miss Marten (have I told you all that I named my macbook Marten?), my parents, and time in which I don't have to talk to people.
5) I am still cold despite my flannel pants. A quick check on the air conditioner tells me that it is still set at 70 degrees, so I'm probably going crazy.
6) My parents bought a used above ground pool.
7) My sister is going to be in a fesh (Irish step dancing competition) and she bought a gorgeous solo dress. My mother and sister are trying to figure out if she's a beginner, advanced beginner, or novice - that will dictate which dances she has to do. They will be going to New Jersey in the middle of August.
8) My nana was being annoying and trying to tell me that I should get a real job because "babysitting won't look good on a resume" and I don't need to date anyone at this point in my life. Thank you, nana, but I think my resume is doing okay due to all my leadership positions in various organizations on campus and the fact that my grades are so good I made Dean's list. Also, even though I'm not dating anyone, I think that's my decision to make and if I meet someone and want to date them, I probably will. I know my nana is just trying to give advice and wants the best for me, but she was driving me crazy on the telephone.
9) I made Dean's list. It's pretty amazing. If I had a scanner (here) I would have scanned the letter, but that might have been superfluous.
10) I went to Six Flags and it was so much fun! I went with my JessJess who I miss terribly and haven't seen in forever (or since May 11th or so), Mary, Lynn, Julia, Hannah, and Greg.
I was going to end this with something witty, but nothing seemed to feel right, so I don't think I'm going to bother. However, I think that's everything important at this point in time and, rock on everyone.