Actually, the pips are actually the true "fruit" of the strawberry, Miss Lovegood. The part that tastes so delicious is actually a false fruit, and is there purely as a delicious tasting bait in order to create new plants. Strawberry seeds cannot germinate successfully (though the greedy plant scarcely needs to, it spreads so well by runners) without first having been passed through a digestive system.
Sometimes I wonder why my mind retains such information yet it is impossible for me to recall exactly where I put my new secateurs.
Comments 4
Sometimes I wonder why my mind retains such information yet it is impossible for me to recall exactly where I put my new secateurs.
In a large terracotta planter.
And a snail.
Well, not everywhere. There's a limit to the happenings I wish to witness.
Anyway, you always leave them in flowerpots - it's hardly a stretch...
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