What I would like to know is..
We apparate at or as close to the conjunction of two ley lines as we possibly can get.
Why can't we just travel along them?
Or right through them? I mean, they're lines of force yes, but they're still *lines*, right? So presumeably you could use the power of the leyline to alter leylines. Make them connect in new
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"Look into my eyes..
Look into my eyessss..
You all need more chutney in your lives.."
All I need is a purple shawl and a ticky pocket watch.
I wonder what happens to all the lids of things that disappear. The lids disappear, I mean.
Are you feeling better?
It does give me an idea though. For after. I mean, after the war.
I'm feeling much better. Seeing you was the best part of recovering. Don't you fall ill, though.
We could start a business after the war. You know..Finders of Lost People. There are bound to be loads and loads and loads of people who have lost their friends and family and are desperate to find them again. We could go all over the world. I think it'd be lovely.
What do you think? Would you like to be a detective of sorts?
We could always be finders of lost *things* if you'd rather.
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