Jul 11, 2006 18:14
Well, I'm sitting here trying to not do my homework, or study for that matter. Earlier this morning I went to visit a couple of my aunts who apparently work in the same building. The one of them spent the majority of the time trying to tell me to abstain from marriage as long as possible and to basically keep my options open. Not what you usually hear from female family members, or really females at large, but she's a lawyer. She took the liberty to tell me a story about a guy she knew, he was 74 when his 70 year old wife decided to divorce him and take virutally everything he owned, which by that time was apparently a lot, including some very valuable real estate and property. I guess he planned to kill her and kill himself, but he only managed to carry through with the killing her part. Guess he wanted to kill himself but couldn't do it. Afterward he went over to his neighbor's place and told him what happened and the neighbor called the police. Apparently my Aunt knew the guy pretty well and didn't believe it when she first heard about it on the radio, but when she saw his face on the T.V. it was fairly obvious that she heard his name right on the radio the first time and it was him. After that in the car my mom was talking about how her mother best friend from grade school had to go to court to defend her property from her own daughter. The daughter was trying to aquisition the house from her mother by trying to claim adverse posession. If you don't know what that means, it's when you live in a place for 7 years or more and pay taxes on it etc. and if the owner doesn't say anything about it for that long you can claim it as your own. In this case thankfully there is no such law in Alaska, and since the will of the original generation of ownership left it specifically to the mother the mother got to keep the house. Talk about stabbing your own mother in the back.
I guess that's why they've always told me to repress my darkness. These people are all too passionate and equiped tongues sharper than steel, and in the bloodlust of wounding the ones they love and care about tend to forget and or neglect the meaning of their actions. People who are all to similar to me.