What I've been up to... December 2015

Dec 19, 2015 18:51

What I've been up to?

Crazy O M Godzilla work!
Madness and somewhat organized chaos has been my work for the last 2 months. Surprisingly I do well in that. I just hate when the bosses are breathing down our necks on progress every 15 minutes. DX
There were a lot of releases to get out (and still more), but I think we're doing relatively well for what it is.

Took up going to a councelor. But had to make last Monday my last session as I won't have insurance through medical... Or anyone starting the new year. Though I might have insurance by February.

Health? I still have light chest pain and it is a little hard to breath. I'm on my second round of antibiotics and my lypnodes are still infected. Better but it will likely go right back to where it was. -.-
Also, on Friday I had a ultrasound done on my chest concerning some lumps my doctor found.

Today I'm doing whatever. Did the store shopping I needed, now to relax and do whatever makes me happy.
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