Aug 18, 2009 01:33
A couple of circumstances has driven me off a place where people share ideas and I posted the following message in defence of paedophobia:
"The provenance of the ill will towards human infants, in my case, is unadulterated since my initial reminiscences (the ones that has occurred more than twenty-seven years ago) - descrying a person of the same age, I would remain indignant at the intense and impolite stare directed at me; withal the plethora of the possible dialogues would always turn into soliloquies, be it I endeavor to reason with the aforementioned human cub futilely (most of them just lacked common sense). The only kind I would stand beside, not abasing my senses, is the one upbrought by the laws of 'young adults', which were prevalent four or three threescore years ago. The non-violent resolution spurns all common, coetaneous and benighted nurturing and employs that 'adult' training of the character of progenies from their coming to life until they reach the legal age in their area.
Having said this, the predilection for bellicose solutions in the given environment may seem less obtuse. Thank you."
On the other note, the debut record is almost finished and we're working hard on getting interviews and reviews for the band...