Nothing really happened today, had a few phone calls.
Tired from studying, or not. But just mentally exhausted. I've thought of quite a few things... about my future and whatnot. Just thoughts, jumbles of nothingness.
No conclusions were reached, fortunately.
Well, I really wouldn't want to be "set" about my future at such a young age. But at least I know what I want to do for the near future and after college. There's really not much worth mentioning. All still at a state of contemplation.
I'm stuffed, I've been feeling stuffed for the entire day.
It's almost 3am, and completing my studies for tomorrow's exam seems so far fetched.
Well - that's it for the what I did today part... Here's a MSN convo.
─ Hey, how's the studying going...?
─ 又在偷偷寫那個喔?
可不是嗎? (笑) 知道了還要問嗎? ─
─ 妳會不會太屌,這個學期.. you just about ditched that class every single time.
哪有那麼誇張? ─
─ 有。
沒有啦。 ─
─ 妳現在還在寫嗎?
沒啦。 ─
─ 咦,難得。
You make me sound like such a bad student. ─
─ 妳也不管了,對吧。 You're transferring out anyway.
對啊。 新的開始。 ─
─ 高興嗎?
嗯。 終於找到自己想做什麼了。─
─ 那以後很難碰面呢。
不會啦。 還在同個城市裡。 ─
─ 妳在抽煙嗎?
妳在我家嗎? How the hell did you know? I just lit one up. ─
─ 感覺的到。
─ 其實喔... 我聞到了。
─ 很臭。
夠了妳...(怒) ─
─ 我真不敢相信妳。
What? ─
─ To do this all by yourself and just leave!
妳在胡說什麼啊。 好像什麼生死離別一樣。 轉個學而已咩。 ─
─ But I'm serious though. We really won't be able to see you all that often.
I don't care. Maybe we just weren't meant to be! Hahahaha!! ─
─ 很難笑。哪有這樣的。
又怎麼了啦,妳月經來啦? ─
─ 這種事情很難用msn說。 我打給電話給妳,好嗎?
唷,我的大小姐,公主殿下,妳什麼時候會問我可不可以啦? 以前不都是三四點還會打來把我吵醒? ─
─ ... I'm calling, now! Pick up or I drive over to kick your sorry-ass.
說實在話,妳打來的時候我真的什麼都沒想到。 總是想不到事情會變成這樣。
It's not like I'm willing to let everything go very easily, I'm sure you know
more about that than I do. You seem to know me best in this city. And I thank
you for that. But seriously, there isn't a single reason for you to do all that.
真的不必要。 妳已經為我做的夠多了。 再多我接受不了啊。(笑)
妳相信我也好、不相信我也罷。 But know that you have my trust and 妳會是我一輩子的
好友。 妳不要想的太複雜,也不要把我的話當作什麼... 童言無禁嘛!小妹我只是個小鬼啊。
或許是我想的太簡單。沒去try to understand妳的想法。這是我的錯,我對不起妳。orz
但是妳還不是用了妳最大的武器!(死) 還在電話上耶,妳真猛。