Jun 18, 2006 14:08
well, friday was a good day, didnt do anythign in school..slept all of second period which got rid of my migriane, an then went job hunting at 11..got an interview at dominion which im alright with..its not the best..but hey..i will have some money which is good..cuz im tired of not having it....anyway...right at 3 i went to meet shan pat emily an kenny in aurora...and i thought o my self..kenny looks framiliar, i no him from somewhere..then it clicked..me an kenny used to hang out all the time back when we were kids, o boy was it nice to see him..hes such a cool guy...we ventured downtown and i ended up finding a hole pack of smokes...sweeet:>..then we went to the hot box cafe..o...m...g this place is better then...well..better then any place ive seen in a long time...we allowed to use the vaporizers inside..an if we wanna smoke...we go on the patio..which is fuckin sweet cuz its all blocked off..so no one can see us, and aswell they have amazing organic food there...freshly squeezed any fruit you wanted..it was fuckin sweet..and they have whats called a "stoner munchie list"...which included cereal and milk with fruit for 2 bucks...cant go wrong im telling you:>....so after that, we desided to make our way back to the eatons center for food an other shopping...but that didnt last long, and we desided to go home, an when we got back to pats house, his brother deisded to smoke with us an give us a long, yet motivating speech on how to not fuck up your life kinda thing an how to get a job that pays great money...it was cool..then...we all passsed out lol....
ps..pat...your water pipe..is god