
Feb 19, 2009 18:45

Alright, things are still sucking and I haven't been in the right mind to play people other than myself (shit, I don't even want that role lately), so... official indefinite hiatus. I don't wanna quit, because I really hope to return (bawww I love you guys, seriously), but I do need a break to see how rl things are gonna turn out and blah blah blah ksdfjlsdfg

irish_ais, you can NPC Seifer, I don't mind one bit. Zone too, I guess; I forgot about him there for a sec. Or I guess if people need to use him to move things along, that's alright too? But I suppose that's more up for the boss to decide than me. >>

I just... really hope I can come back. All this shit couldn't have come at a worse time, y'know? :|

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