Title: Illicit
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: R
Spoilers: None, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Sabin and Sky, Lita briefly appearing as well
Prompt: Frost ;;
My TableSummary: She knew that freshman year wasn't going to be easy, she just didn't think it would ever be this complicated...
Notes: Nothing new to add.
Warnings: This fic. will contain occasional drinking, adult situations and foul language.
Tags The weekend at Professor Dumas’ vacation home changes everything.
Trish’s relationship with Chris seemingly comes to a standstill but that’s also because Chris is spending more time with Angelina Williams. He says that this can’t be helped and that it’s because of the assignments; Professor Copeland and Professor Copeland opting to put Chris and Angelina together for the overnight shifts at the radio station. Chris is still obligated to help Trish with her project but outside of that, they don’t spend nearly as much time together as they used to.
Her relationship with Professor Copeland has also changed.
While their relations hadn’t exactly been frosty before, though maybe they’d avoid eye contact or she would deliberately show a little too much skin, now they were just downright heated. More often than not she would catch Professor Copeland staring at her during lecture, Trish not backing down for a second. Before anyone else would notice, he would look away or she would look down. But soon enough, they were bound to get caught.
Especially if he kept cornering her in isolated stairwells, like today, Trish’s legs wrapped tightly around his waist; one of Adam’s hands dangerously high beneath her cheerleading skirt.
Usually they kept their ‘meetings’ limited to his office or the radio station when it was only the two of them. But lately, they just couldn’t wait, like today… Trish was supposed to be meeting with Professor Copeland about her assignment for the upcoming Harvest Festival. But when they discovered that the elevators weren’t in working order, they’d opted to take the stairs. One minute Trish had been walking ahead of him and then the next thing she knew, he had grabbed her wrist, kissing her before she could protest.
When they hear the door opening below them, they break apart quickly, Trish doing everything that she can to fix her appearance.
Minutes later, Professor Dumas is passing by Trish, Professor Copeland having run ahead to his office.
“Ms. Stratus,” Professor Dumas greeted, “Chris tells me that your project is almost ready for submission?”
“That’s right,” Trish hastily adjusted her skirt, realizing that the back was ridiculously high. “I should have the final product for your review by tomorrow evening.”
Professor Dumas smiled, “excellent. Chris told me that it was some of his best work, though he would say that about almost everything he’s involved with.”
Trish rolled her eyes a little, “of course he would… but I definitely agree.” She smiled, “I hate to run but I’m supposed to be meeting with Professor Copeland about my assignments for the Harvest Festival.”
“I won’t keep you,” Professor Dumas replied, “but before you go… I’m hosting a little get together for the students of the radio and television studio this weekend. Nothing too elaborate but it’s an annual tradition of sorts, just a pot-luck dinner and it won’t conflict with any football games, I already checked the schedule.”
“I’ll definitely be there,” Trish promised. “See you around, Professor.”
Professor Dumas nodded, making a mental note to speak with Professor Copeland later, he was her co-host in the little shindig for the students and they needed to be on the same page with the details.