Title: Dust to Dust
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG-13 to start, will go up
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Numerous, in this part.
Summary: All they have to do is survive...
Prompt: #107- February ;;
TableWarnings: Language, possible adult situations, mild horror, possible character death
Notes: Check the
story guide & will be using a mixture of real and ring names because I feel like it. Part of the "Moments in Time" series for fics500.
tags Josh eyed the nearly overflowing shopping cart that Alex was pushing. They’d already gone to Aldi, practically clearing out the canned goods and cereals and they were now at Meijer, stocking up on more canned foods, cereals and water. According to Alex, they were already set with frozen foods and the safe house had its own back-up generator in case the power went out. That was all well and good, but Josh still didn’t understand why his best friend had dragged him along for the trip.
“I’m not doubting that we’re going to need all of this,” Josh gestured to his own overflowing cart, Dean having disappeared to another part of the store. “But why did you drag me with you?”
“Trust me dude, you don’t want to be there when Paul gets there.” An eyebrow arched, “you broke up with his baby sister.”
“You and Amy aren’t dating anymore either, genius.”
“That’s different,” Alex said, guiding the cart into another aisle. “And I know you can’t avoid him forever, but trust me… this is for your own good.”
Josh shook his head, knowing full well that Alex did have a point. “So, what happens when we get back and he’s there?”
Alex half shrugged, “there might be a tree-house on the property. You can sleep there.” And when Josh rolled his eyes, Alex snorted. “Dude, don’t you remember meeting Paul?”
“Well, yeah… but me and Jamie are friends again.”
“So? You still hurt J and that’s all that Paul cares about.”
Josh flinched, stopping in the middle of the aisle. “Maybe I should just sleep in the car.”
Alex patted his friend on the shoulder, “now you’re thinking. Should we get you a lantern for the tree-house?”
Josh rolled his eyes again, the pair finishing their grocery shopping and then meeting up with Dean so they could head back to the safe house. No sooner had the pulled into the driveway did Alex consider turning the car back around; the brunette instantly recognizing Paul’s SUV.
“Well dude,” Alex parked and then removed the key from the ignition, “it’s been nice knowing you. Can I have your music collection?”
“Thanks buddy, I appreciate your concern…” Josh quipped dryly, letting himself out of the car so he could start unloading bags. “Let’s just get this over with.”
Sam, John, Randy and Punk soon appeared to help bring in groceries and other supplies, the tattooed male looking like he really needed the escape.
Alex eyed his cousin, “dude… what happened to you?”
“Amy’s older brother,” Punk replied simply. “She tried to warn me but it still didn’t help much.”
“What did he say?”
Punk shrugged, “probably what he’s said to you in the past… something along the lines of having a shotgun, a sledgehammer and a shovel.”
Alex nodded knowingly, “was that it?”
“Pretty much,” Punk admitted and then he snickered, directing a look to Josh. “It really sucks to be you, right now.”
Alex winced, setting the grocery bags down for a moment. “We’re probably going to be here for a while. It’s what, February now? I suggest that you either find a really good hiding spot or prepare to kiss Paul’s ass.”
Josh didn’t reply, the group of males heading inside to put groceries away or to other parts of the property to fortify the fence.