Title: And Life Goes On
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG for this part
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Numerous but Lita and Velvet will be featuring heavily; check tags for specifics.
Summary: Life was filled with ups and downs, but always guaranteed one thing- it would go on
Prompt: Loyalty ;;
TableWarnings: Language, possible adult situations
Story guide for notes. Short-ish & fillerish but important none the less
Tags Josh rubbed his hands over his face, Alex’s words echoing in the back of his head. Throughout this entire ordeal, he had never once thought that the problem could be with him. But then again, he hadn’t gotten tested at all and even now, Jamie was the one undergoing treatment. Sighing heavily, Josh came to the decision that if he was going to fully support Jamie throughout all of this than he was going to get tested as well.
Maybe Alex was right… maybe he wasn’t, Josh would find out when he visited the clinic tomorrow; the blue eyed male deciding to contact Amy’s father to see if he could get the next available appointment.
And speaking of Alex, Josh really wasn’t sure as to what was going on with his best friend. Sure, they’d gotten into a few fist fights but it was all in good fun. And once or twice they’d maybe had to go to the hospital because they were being drunk and stupid. But tonight was different.
Josh wasn’t expecting an apology anytime soon because that’s just how Alex was.
Still, he would take a few days before trying to contact Alex or just let Alex do it first. Whatever the case, Josh was fairly confident that this would all blow over. Alex was like a brother to him and he knew that he could count on him for anything. Despite any trouble they’d faced or gotten into, Alex’s loyalty was something that Josh was certain of.