Title: Dust to Dust
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG-13 to start, will go up
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Lita, Velvet, Dean & Sam in this part; others mentioned
Summary: All they have to do is survive...
Prompt: #268 - Wallet ;;
TableWarnings: Language, possible adult situations, mild horror, possible character death
Notes: Check the
story guide & will be using a mixture of real and ring names because I feel like it. Part of the "Moments in Time" series for fics500. Eventual SPN crossover
tags After Amy and Jamie have finished eating, they’re all back on the road; Dean and Sam following behind Amy and Jamie. The two younger siblings are texting each other while the two older siblings are keeping their attention on the road. They’ve agreed to stop near St. Louis for the night so Sam can do some research and so Amy can get in touch with Alex.
She figures that Alex and Josh have made it to Chicago by now, or at least soon depending on how frequently they stop for bathroom breaks and food.
“Sam said that we should see the neon sign of the motel soon,” Jamie informed her sister, not glancing up from the screen of her phone. “Rates should be cheap and we can probably order pizza or something for dinner.”
“Right…” Amy replied absently, “and you haven’t heard from Josh or Alex, have you?”
Jamie blinked, “was I supposed to?”
Amy shook her head, “no not really. Just asking.”
Jamie set her phone down for a moment, eying her sister, “I’m sure they’re fine, Ames.”
“So long as Alex isn’t trying to think too much,” Amy said, her tone dry. “But yeah, you’re probably right.”
Jamie didn’t reply, but that was mostly because they’d reached the motel, Amy parking the car near the office; the two sisters exiting just as Dean and Sam were doing the same.
“We’d like a room please,” Dean said to the friendly woman behind the counter, his wallet already in his hands.
“He means two rooms,” Amy corrected from her spot next to him, the redhead cutting him a look.
Dean flinched but only slightly, “right… two rooms.” And with a charming grin, he added, “And next to each other, please.”
The woman behind the counter nodded, quoting a price and then exchanging two keys for the money that Dean handed over. One of the keys was practically snatched from his hand, Dean rolling his eyes at Amy’s actions as the siblings walked out of the lobby.
Soon enough they were parked again, Amy unloading the large duffle bag from the backseat first, Dean arching an eyebrow as she did so. “Did you pack your own army?”
Amy smiled slightly, “that’s for me to know.”
Jamie got the bags from the trunk, following her sister into one of the rooms while Dean and Sam entered the other. Amy let out a sigh of relief when she noticed the lack of a connecting door, the redhead stashing the duffle bag beneath one of the beds.
And now that they were settled, Jamie checked the drawers of the nightstand for menus while Amy called Alex. She was in the midst of her phone call when Sam knocked on the door; Jamie letting him inside.
“Dean wants to know when we’re eating and what we’re eating,” Sam informed the blonde woman. “And if there should be beer.”
“Who was that?” Alex questioned to the redhead.
“Our help,” Amy replied, heading into the bathroom to continue the conversation, “and you’ll meet them in Detroit.”
Alex shrugged though she couldn’t see the motion, “Punk sends his love.”
Amy rolled her eyes, quipping dryly, “I’m sure he does…. So that means he’s in?”
“Obviously,” Alex said, his tone matter of fact. “I told you he wouldn’t turn me down.”
“Uh huh,” Amy commented, the woman pausing when there was a knock on the door, “hold on a sec,” she said first and then opened the door. “What’s up?”
“Do you want Chinese or Pizza and do you need beer? Because Dean is convinced that we need beer.”
“Dean would think that beer would be acceptable with filet mignon… but yeah, fine, whatever. Beer and Chinese food sounds like dinner to me.”
Jamie nodded, “in that case, I need the car keys. Sam and I will go pick up the food and the beverages.”
Amy reached into her pocket, handing the keys to her sister, “they made it to Chicago.”
Jamie grinned, “Tell them I said hi.”
Amy nodded in confirmation, the redhead finally returning to her conversation with Alex. “Like I told you already, you’ll meet them when we get to Detroit,” she cut him off before he could inquire again. “And Jamie says hi.”
Their conversation continued for a few minutes longer, Amy heading back into the main area of the hotel room as she ended the call; an eyebrow arching at the green eyed brunette male, Dean lying on one of the beds and flipping through a magazine as if he belonged there.