Title: Smooth Criminal
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Numerous, check tags
Summary: If they wanted to maintain their friendships, they had to maintain the charade
Prompt: #209 - Barbecue ;;
TableWarnings: Language, possible adult situations, illegal activities
Notes: Check the
story guide & will be using a mixture of real and ring names because I feel like it. Part of the "Moments in Time" series for fics500.
Tags The light snack that Jamie was getting turned out to be enough food to feed a small army, Josh assisting her with the makeshift barbecue, Alex finally coming around and joining Amy in the pool. The brunette was still complaining a little, but not nearly as much as he was before.
The situation was made slightly combustible when A.J, Christy, Trish and Chris arrived; Amy getting out of the pool to make sure they had enough drinks and to give Jamie a hand with getting the food ready.
“What the hell happened to you?” Chris wanted to know, blue eyes filled with amusement.
“Nothing,” Alex replied, shrugging it off. “Don’t tell me you actually care….”
Chris snorted, “of course I don’t, but if there’s any paperwork that needs to be filled, I’m off-duty right now.”
Alex rolled his eyes, “you’ve got nothing to be concerned over, believe me.”
While the guys took over the pool, Christy and Trish assisted Amy and Jamie with food prep; Christy and Trish letting Amy and Jamie know that they were ready to begin part two of their latest operation. The accounts, as Trish explained, had been set up and were approved earlier that day though the transactions themselves wouldn’t be able to be performed until Tuesday.
“Just be careful,” Trish advised as per usual, “I know you always are with stuff like this but you know…” She nodded towards the pool, “with those two hanging around.”
“I wouldn’t worry about them,” Amy replied, “and if they do find out anything, Jamie and I are more than capable of making sure that they keep their mouths shut.”
Christy smirked a little, “and would this have anything to do with the black eyes that Alex and Josh are sporting right now?”
Jamie smiled sweetly, “we had absolutely nothing to do with that.”
Trish rolled her eyes, “bullshit. Those two look like they’ve been through hell.”
Amy shrugged, “then maybe they shouldn’t have been poking their noses where they didn’t belong.”
Trish arched an eyebrow, “I thought there was nothing to worry about?”
Jamie shook her head, “there’s not really. But now at least they know that if they try to cause problems, we can and will put them in their place.”
While the four females finished cooking, the four guys were in the midst of playing some sort of game that involved trying to drown the nearest person. In other words they were behaving like teenagers, Amy, Jamie, Christy and Trish carrying on as if nothing was wrong.