Title: Unlikely Partners, Unlikely Heroes
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: Not mine
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Rating: R for language, eventual violence and probable character dearth
Characters/Pairing: Multi-pairing; when I have a better idea, I'll let you know
Summary: For years they've coexisted, watching and protecting.. and then a new threat forces them to work together. Will these unlikely partners become unlikely heroes as well? Only time will tell.
Notes: Vampire based fic, and that's all I've got to say for now. Italics for flashbacks
Memories Tonight, we are free to choose our partners or escorts if we do not wish to be tied to one person for the banquet and ball and the Brasov Pack also in attendance. I fail to see the necessity of the festivities for the evening but, I suppose the ruling house finds some purpose. This ball is held indoors in the ball room of the Rasnov fortress. And unlike the manor in San Francisco or the complex in Budapest, there are separate quarters for all species in the fortress.
My sisters and I still occupy the main building, but the humans and shifters have taken advantage of the opportunity.
Now, my sisters and I wait at the top of the staircase, chosen partners or escorts waiting at the bottom of the stairs.
“Announcing Lady Patricia and Sir Christopher Jericho.”
She smiles and curtsies to Chris, placing a gloved hand on his outstretched arm before they both bow and curtsey to Hunter and Ivory. They are followed by Eve and Cena, then Jamie and Sabin, then Mickie and Adam, then Melina and Morrison.
I was tempted to attend by myself this evening but I know that I cannot.
“Announcing Lady Amália and Sir Phillip Brooks.”
So instead I go for the second best option in terms of rebelling against the ruling house. Besides, seeing Punk squirm in a full dress suit is nearly as gratifying as the glaring disapproval in Hunter’s eyes.
I nearly laugh when Hunter decides to insult Punk in Hungarian…
“Én is értelek,” Punk replies with a smirk.
Hunter sneers, barely concealed anger in his eyes, “akkor fog ez figyelem súlyos, ha ön érték -a szánalmas élet? Távol tartja magát őt.”
Thankfully Ivory intervenes which allows Punk and myself to join the festivities. Hunter was not the only one who disapproved of my choice but it was just that- my choice.
“You have angered the Brasov Pack,” I remark as we join the waltzing couples in the ballroom. “But knowing you, this is probably not the first occasion.”
“That’s how I ended up in San Francisco,” Punk reminds me, “the elders exiled me from Romania for treason.”
I arch an eyebrow, “so why did you come back?”
He shrugs, “why not? They can exile me all they want to, my pack needs me.”
“Will there be any repercussions?”
“I’ll find out eventually I guess.” With a grand gesture he sweeps me outwards before pulling me back. “Enough of this, we’re supposed to be having fun.”
I laugh my agreement, causing some of my sisters to look at us questioningly. But tonight I do not care. Tomorrow night we begin the offensive, but tonight is about having as much fun as we are able.
The following evening…
I barely conceal my surprise when Hunter announces that he has joined my assault team. Similarly, Ivory has joined the first attack team; that group having already set off on their mission. First we have journeyed to a remote field, large enough to use for a makeshift airway for our aircraft to launch. With everyone in appropriate attire, which includes fire-proof uniforms, all we do now is wait.
I check and double check that I have enough ammunition, “has everyone performed a check? We depart in half an hour so we cannot afford for any delays.”
I receive nods in confirmation and then we take our seats, the light bulk of the parachutes making it slightly difficult to sit comfortably.
“Bombshell to Rebel Yell,” Trish’s voice is heard on the handset in my gloved right hand, “First Strike has landed and Operation Recon is a go.”
Further radio communication must be put on hold as we do not wish to take any unnecessary risks, and then I slip on the final pieces of equipment; a protective helmet and night-vision goggles. The airplane is soon in the air and a quick glance around lets me know that various members of the assault team are praying. Hunter and Punk both appear to be relaxed while Randy almost looks nervous.
On impulse, I reach over as he is sitting next to me, and take his hand in mine before giving a quick squeeze. His response is a sharp nod and the slightest of smiles to acknowledge the gesture.
And then Hunter glances up, receiving the gesture from the co-pilot that we are ready to jump.
Hungarian to English translations:
Én is értelek = I can understand you
akkor fog ez figyelem súlyos, ha ön érték -a szánalmas élet? Távol tartja magát őt = then take this warning seriously, if you value your pathetic life? Stay away from her.