Title: Unlikely Partners, Unlikely Heroes
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: Not mine
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Rating: R for language, eventual violence and probable character dearth
Characters/Pairing: Multi-pairing; when I have a better idea, I'll let you know
Summary: For years they've coexisted, watching and protecting.. and then a new threat forces them to work together. Will these unlikely partners become unlikely heroes as well? Only time will tell.
Notes: Vampire based fic, and that's all I've got to say for now. Italics for flashbacks
Memories Vienna, Austria
Just after the full moon, all temporary and some permanent residents of the manor are en route to Romania. First, they have traveled by private jet from San Francisco to Vienna, stopping once in New York and again in Paris. After staying overnight in Vienna, they will take a private train directly to Brasov in Romania. That way they can avoid heading into Budapest.
Along with the personnel, they’ve also packed ammunition, weapons, uniforms and formal wear. The ruling house has ordered a banquet and ball to be held to acknowledge the arrival into Brasov. As a precaution, they will also avoid Bucharest and stay in the fortress in the town of Rasnov.
For now, however, they are in Vienna; many of the humans and shifters taking advantage of the opportunity to sleep in a bed before they continue on the train. Hunter, Ivory, Amy, Trish, Jamie, Eve, and Mickie take advantage of the downtime to plan for the future assault.
“The resident pack near Brasov will meet our train in two days,” Hunter spreads out a regional map of Romania. “Since Brasov was under your jurisdiction, the ruling house has chosen to appoint you to that position once again.”
Trish points to the Carpathian Mountain range, “are we fighting in that?”
Ivory shrugs, “the ruling house is unsure as to where the opposition has set up.” A gloved finger lands on the county Covasna, “in the Eastern Carpathian Mountains there have been reports of suspicious activity.”
Mickie crosses her arms, “aside from Amy and Ivory, none of us are really familiar with the area. Except for a ball or two in Bucharest, we never really did anything in Romania.”
Eve nods her agreement, “given how well we don’t know the area, how do we compensate?”
“Partially with assistance from the Brasov Pack,” Amy mentions quietly. “And as Mickie mentioned, Ivory and I are familiar with the territory.” The redhead smirks slightly, “obviously we cannot give guided tours but we will assist as necessary.”
Ivory smirks in kind, “Elita is better acquainted with Brasov and Rasnov, but I will do what I can.”
Jamie raked her hands through her hair, “have there been any updates regarding what we’re up against? How many mages do they have?”
Hunter frowns, rolling the map up, “they are still uncertain. But for this initial assault, we will not have to deal with the flesh eaters or mages. Our intelligence shows only shifters, hybrids and vampires.”
Ivory sighs a little, “well in that case, let’s hope that our intelligence is correct.”
They see little point in resting that night, instead waiting for everyone else to resume activity before heading on to Brasov. By train, they’ll arrive in Brasov in one day, provided the travel through the night and don’t stop in Budapest.
En route to Brasov
“Elita,” Punk begins gruffly, seating himself across from her in the dining car. “Why has the ruling house not called you all to Budapest?”
“There is too much unrest,” the female vampire replied simply, this exchange the first time they’ve spoken to each other since leaving the States. “The conflict in Romania is our primary concern.”
Punk arched an eyebrow, “so why not go directly to Bucharest?”
Amy smirked a little, “because that would raise too much suspicion… all of that activity into Romania.” Continuing, she gestures to the train, “this way we can have privacy, avoid customs and transport whatever we need.”
Punk snorted, kicking up his feet on the bench seat, “you haven’t been back to Brasov, either, right?”
“No, I haven’t,” Amy said and then finally met his gaze. “You know where I’ve been, I haven’t left San Francisco or the United States much.”
“Just thought I’d ask,” he replied for sake of keeping the conversation going. “So why aren’t we heading into the city of Brasov?”
Amy shrugged, “mostly because the city of Brasov isn’t fortified as well as the town of Rasnov.” An eyebrow arched, “you haven’t forgotten that, have you?”
Punk scoffed, “my knees haven’t been the same since.”
Amy rolled her eyes, “I’m pretty sure we all suffered a little. But it was worth it. And from what I understand, the fortress has been modernized recently.”
“Yeah, because a town in the Carpathian Mountains needs WiFi and HDTV…”
“Rasnov was recently evacuated of the human population so all that remains are vampires from our clan…” Amy tapped her nails on the table top, “if the Brasov Pack wishes to stay in the fortress, they are welcomed to.”
Punk grimaced, “I really don’t know if that’s a good idea… don’t get me wrong, they had no problems with you in the past… just, all of ‘em?”
Amy shrugged, “I’ll extend the offer anyway and leave it up to them.” And then she turned her attention to the window, the Hungarian countryside soon giving way to Romania. “We will be in Brasov quickly. Inform your pack.”
As the female vampire exited the seating area, Punk did the same… the two then heading to opposite areas of the train to inform their respective parties to get ready for their arrival in Brasov.