Title: Unlikely Partners, Unlikely Heroes
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: Not mine
Spoilers: Nope, 'tis A/U
Rating: PG-13 (eventual R)
Characters/Pairing: Multi-pairing; when I have a better idea, I'll let you know
Summary: For years they've coexisted, watching and protecting.. and then a new threat forces them to work together. Will these unlikely partners become unlikely heroes as well? Only time will tell.
Notes: Vampire based fic, and that's all I've got to say for now.
Memories We try to seat ourselves so that we are intermingled, with the exception of Hunter who makes it visibly clear that he has no desire to be seated anywhere near any of the shifters. Through some maneuvering on my sire’s part, I find myself placed between Hunter and Punk but even this arrangement seems to leave the blonde vampire highly uncomfortable.
“Well since we’re all here,” Shawn looks around at the assembled, a rolled up piece of parchment and a large book in front of him. “I suppose introductions should be made, since the idea of nametags was shot down.”
This process, thankfully, goes quickly and good thing too because it seems as if Hunter was ready to tear a piece out of the antique table.
Shawn unrolls the parchment first, “this is the original treaty that was signed between the human settlers, vampire and werewolves.” He then taps the book, “and this contains all updates and amendments to that treaty.” Opening the book, he continues, “The last time this treaty was modified significantly was in the 1920s and then slightly in the 1930s.”
Hunter speaks next, tone clipped, “we seek to modify the treaty now because of a threat that looms on our horizon and is currently pressing the Budapest forces back.” Fingers tap slowly on the table before he signals to one of the house servants to dim the lighting, a projector screen lowering. “This is the last communication we received from the ruling house in Budapest.”
Five minutes into the informative video and I can fully understand why Hunter is so stressed. Aside from the presence of the shifters, the forces in Budapest are facing an army that I have never seen. Some I can clearly pinpoint as shifters and some as vampires but there’s another species there…
“What the fuck is that?”
Hunter signals to the house servant and the video stops, arching an eyebrow at Alex, my sire speaks. “That is exactly what the ruling house is trying to determine.”
Alex scratches the back of his neck, “maybe I’ve been watching too many horror movies but those look like zombies or something.”
Hunter’s smile is thin, “you might not be far off on your guess. Our enemy is not new, but the tactics that they use… let’s just say that our enemy is not afraid to dabble in black magic.”
Daniels arches an eyebrow at that, “you mean they’re raising the dead?”
Hunter nods, “to create flesh-eaters. But as you can see, there are also vampires and shifters.”
“Which most of us are capable of killing,” I add, “or can be trained to kill, if necessary. Our team in Budapest will figure out the means necessary to defeat the flesh-eaters.”
“But, in order to properly protect those under our watch currently… and to allow us to be at full strength if we are needed in Budapest,” Hunter nods towards the treaty. “That document needs to be modified.”
Ted clears his throat, “I don’t mean to be rude, but uh, what exactly did that treaty take away from you all that you need to have back?”
“An amulet, unique to our clan,” Melina replies. “Without it, some of our abilities are bound, such as being able to walk in the daylight or change form. Our physical strength is also reduced.”
“The treaty was created to keep the balance of power on a more level playing field,” Victoria adds. “So that way, the vampires couldn’t be more powerful than us.”
Adam nods shortly, “and then what happens?”
Trish shrugs minutely, barely a movement of her shoulders. “That all depends on what the species decide. For example, we could all go our separate ways or you all could join us.”
“An alliance,” A.J confirms. “And if that’s the case, we’ll assign more of our Pack.”
“But no more humans than already present,” Shawn says succinctly. “Unless they are of the magic-wielding variety, in which case they wouldn’t come from the police force.”
Randy sends a questioning look to Hunter, “and you all would train us?”
Hunter nods, “train and equip as necessary but that’s only if the alliance is formed.”
Punk clears his throat, “so if there’s no more need for this useless crap, I’d say we know exactly what we need to do.” He grins, “Anyone got a pen?”
I can hear Hunter’s muttering about crass werewolves as Shawn makes the modifications to the treaty. Shawn then mentions that Hunter, Punk, myself, Daniels and Adam will all need to sign for the treaty to be official.
“Just have one of your people bring the amulets,” Shawn suggests as he closes the book. “I’m not sure as to where they’re being stored, but I think that was intentional.”
I nod, “it was meant in no act of duplicity but merely to protect the interests of our kind.”
“Our weapons master will arrive tomorrow,” Hunter announces shortly. “Along with the new technology, the amulets will also be in that shipment.”
“Confident that we would agree to this?” Punk queries, an amused look on his face.
Hunter smiles wryly, “well it was either that or let this new threat cross the seas and watch your Pack struggle futilely while we did nothing.”
Shawn pushes his chair back from the table, “but clearly it didn’t come to that, so crisis averted…”
Punk is the next to stand, “I’ll go ask for volunteers. Or pick my volunteers, whatever works.”
“It’s up to you if you want to continue,” Shawn addresses the humans while Punk takes his leave. “You don’t have to stay and you can be re-assigned if you’d rather.”
“Just realize that if we are called to Budapest, the Alliance might come as well,” I warn and remind. “But, we will prepare for a homeland defense, first and foremost.”
Hunter motions for us to exit so that the humans can decide in peace, the remaining shifters accompanying us as well.