Fic: What Happens in Vegas (Lita/Jericho, 3/3, R)

May 24, 2010 15:07

Title: What Happens in Vegas...
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Spoilers: No
Rating: R
Characters/Pairing: Lita/Jericho, Trish/Christian, Victoria/Tomko; others possibly appearing
Summary: As the old saying goes: What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Notes: Reply to this challenge and there's going to be an epilogue (which will heavily feature Lita and Chris) to explain things/tie up lose ends. Real name reference just because.. work with me here, it's fiction.
Warnings: None for this part.
Previously: Memories

Bellagio Hotel, 10:30 p.m.

Trish and Christian had managed to slip away from the party, finding themselves enjoying the fountain show in front of the famed Bellagio Hotel. Little did they realize that the appointed maid of honor and best man in the upcoming wedding had been in this exact spot half an hour prior. Not that Trish would have cared very much, the blond woman just relieved to be away from the many guests.

“I realize it's all for us, but...” Trish trailed off, leaning against the railing as they watched the fountains. “I'm really starting to wonder if this is all worth it. I mean, don't get me wrong, usually, I love the spotlight and all of the attention just..”

“You aren't having second thoughts about marrying me, are you?”

Trish shook her head, “no, that's not it at all. I want to marry you and I want to get married. But this is really starting to be too much. Four parties, plus the big ceremony and a huge reception.”

Christian arched an eyebrow, arms wrapped around her waist, “I thought this is what you wanted though, babe.”

“I thought so too,” she replied, her nose wrinkling a bit, “but after all of this... seriously, I'm starting to think more like Li about all of this. Even when I was the one forcing her to come along with me for all of the wedding planning.”

“Well, we are in Las Vegas..” Christian wiggled his eyebrows, “and I realize that we both wanted our parents to be there, but there's no saying we can't get married tonight and then have a reception... or have another ceremony if you still want that.”

Trish turned in his arms, stepping back slightly to look up at him, “you want to get married tonight? But I don't even have my dress.. and I--”

Christian smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “Trish, it doesn't matter where or when we get married or what you're wearing. You're beautiful. If you want to get married tonight, let's do it. But if you want to wait, I'm more than okay with that and you know it.”

She smiled brilliantly, “then lets do it. We just need to get a marriage license and then find a chapel... we'll figure out something to tell our parents and we can just have a reception or whatever like you said.”

One Hour Later - Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel

“Lita might just kill me for this,” Trish commented as she and Christian approached the chapel, “she always had something to complain about when we were going through dress fittings, visiting the florists and stuff like that.”

“You should have heard Chris,” Christian replied, holding the door open for her, “he never shut up about it.”

Trish shook her head, “still, it's too bad that they can't be here... I'd rather they were our witnesses than two people we don't know.”

Christian smirked, “well, look at it this way, if they were here, we'd probably have to listen to them gloating.”

“Probably so,” Trish agreed, the pair heading up to the receptionist. “We'd like to get married, please.”

The clerk smiled, “if you could just have a seat over there.. we've already got a ceremony in progress.”

Christian frowned thoughtfully, “that doesn't sound like traditional wedding music..”

“It's from the Rocky Horror Picture Show as the couple wanted a themed wedding,” the clerk handed over a binder. “If you just look through there, you'll see our various packages... but with it being so late at night, we might not be able to squeeze in another themed wedding.”

“Then how did they get it?”

“Cash bribes... the new bride really wanted it. Bless her heart, she already has her husband wrapped around her little finger.”

“Ah,” Trish said knowingly, taking the binder from the counter, “that'll do it every time.”

“Rocky Horror Picture Show, eh?” Christian looked highly amused as he seated himself next to his fiancé, “that's something that even Lita might get into.”

Trish rolled her eyes, “yeah, if she could find a guy willing to agree to that.”

Christian opened his mouth to reply to that, but the strains of the 'Time Warp' stopped him from saying anything just yet. And if that hadn't been enough, the next sight was enough to render both of them speechless. Dancing their way through the double doors were costumed employees taking on the roles of various characters in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. But that wasn't what shocked the blond couple, it was the new bride and groom that followed.

“Well hello, Mrs. Chris!”

“Well hello, Mr. Amy!”

Eyes wide, Christian and Trish looked at each other and then at their best friends; Trish rubbing her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things.

“... I thought that they didn't allow inebriated couples to marry?”

“Oh that's not entirely true,” the clerk piped up, “if we believe that they're too intoxicated, of course we won't permit them to be wed. But the couple that just left? Well, I'd say they were sober enough.” A bright smile, “have you two decided on a wedding package?”

Trish smiled weakly, “I think we're going to wait... thank you for your time though.”

Christian helped her to her feet, bringing the binder back to the counter before they exited the chapel... just in time to see the limo leaving the parking lot.

“I always thought I would be married first,” Trish commented as they headed back towards the hotel. “Thats if they realize what they've just done.”

“You heard what that clerk said,” Christian reminded her, “they weren't that bombed.”

“Maybe, but do you honestly think that either of them... especially Amy, would really do this?” Trish shook her head, “I just don't buy that.”

“Well no, I don't either,” Christian admitted, “but what's done is done. We'll bother them about it in the morning.. we still have the rest of this night to enjoy.”

what happens in vegas, challenge fic, pairing: trish/christian, pairing: lita/chris jericho

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