Luna 2--[Video]

May 01, 2011 12:28

[Here we see Remus looking about the healthiest he'll ever really look. Thank you near-new moon Gasp! He might actually have some color in his skin!]

I know some of you were interesting in playing Quidditch a while back. Well, the captain and founder of said Quiditch match went home a month or so ago.

I believe James Potter would be entirely too disappointed if Sirius or myself didn't continue his work. My broom handling's not near what James' was, but... It'll suffice until you get your... air legs, so to speak.

So if you're interested, drop me a line, and I'll get a meeting organized.

feeling fine, flying: a great idea, class clown, wheeeee brooms, don't tickle sleeping dragons, i miss prongs, james whyyyy, padfoot help me with this

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