[Video] 002 ☽

Mar 06, 2011 10:08

[This video is certainly much calmer than his last. The blue-haired boy seems to have adapted quite nicely to both the SFC and Vatheon, but that's surely no surprise. In fact...it seems to be the topic of conversation today.]

It seems like everyone has adapted to Vatheon relatively easily. If anyone needs any assistance, however, I would be happy to offer some. Red-kun's pamphlets are very helpful as well for understanding this city.

[With work taken care of--]

According to the date on the SFC, it's almost spring, even if it doesn't feel like it. Does anyone have any plans for spring?

doing his job :|b, spring is a happy time, he really wants to know, !video, !ic, protag powers go, social links go!, let's positive thinking, -red

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