Thank you for participating and for recording podfic for me!
A year later and I don't think I'm any better at articulating my preferences, so most of this is copied from my
earlier letter and an
earlier different challenge. Do record something that YOU will like and have fun reading (while still respecting my squicks, please). However, if you're stuck (and since I don't have a fully developed public bookmarking system set up yet), I've included suggestions of stories that I'd love to see recorded at some point in the future, and have noted which authors have blanket transformative works statements. You don't have to record any of these! They're there just to help you out with any indecision, time crunch issues, etc. Take 'em or leave 'em. :)
If you have any questions or need additional clarification, feel free to ask anonymously. Thanks again, and happy recording!
Likes: gen, het, slash (men, women), and poly (assume that any relationships mentioned below may be romance or friendship); up to an R/Mature rating in general; first times
Iffy: crossovers, alternate universes
Squicks: bodily fluids, embarrassment, torture (physical & emotional), gore, incest
Marvel Cinematic Universe (though a little more Avengers-heavy)
Characters: Bruce, Natasha, Phil
Relationships: Bruce/Tony, Bruce/anyone, Natasha/anyone, everyone/everyone
Suggested stories:
-The Job Fair by sabinelagrande (Blanket statement); (crossover with Welcome to Night Vale)
-Congratulations on an Excellent Kill by igrockspock; by dura sudis (dsudis); by goseaward; Sherlock (BBC)
Characters: John, Sherlock, Molly
Relationships: Sherlock/John, Molly/female character
Suggested stories:
-Deductions by speranza; or, Five Times John and Mycroft Had Tea by saraht (Blanket statement); Sleepy Hollow
Characters: Abbie, Ichabod
Relationships: Abbie/Ichabod
Suggested stories:
- Five Times Abbie Introduced Ichabod To Fast Food (and one time he didn't complain) by audreyii_fic; Everything Old Is New Again by samyazaz (Blanket statement); Welcome to Night Vale
Characters: Cecil, Carlos, Old Woman Josie, angel Erika(s)
Relationships: Cecil/Carlos
Suggested story:
-Recruitment Practices by thingswithwings (Blanket statement); Person of Interest
Characters: John, Harold, Joss, Zoe, Samantha, Root
Relationships: John/Harold, John/Zoe, Joss/anyone, Root/Shaw
Suggested stories:
-What's On the Table by cortue; Run by astolat (Blanket statement); Elementary
Characters: Sherlock, Joan
Suggested stories:
-A Secret History of Sherlock's Socks by dashakay; david bowie by paperclipbitch (Blanket statement); Crossposted to