First, thank you in advance for the podfic, I know I'm going to enjoy it!
Next, this always gets away from me, so here's the "Too Long; Didn't Elaborate" version of my preferences for this exchange. (Notes from a previous exchange can be found in
this thread.)
Likes: gen, het, slash (men, women), and poly; up to an R/Mature rating in general; first times
Steer clear of: AUs, crossovers, gore, incest
Squicks: bodily fluids, embarrassment, torture (physical & emotional)
Fandom-specific favorite characters and relationships:
Avengers (movie): Bruce, Natasha; Bruce/anyone, Natasha/anyone, everyone/everyone
Dr. Who (new): Martha, Donna, Rory
Inception: Arthur, Eames; Arthur/Eames, Arthur/Ariadne
Sherlock (BBC): John, Sherlock, Molly; Sherlock/John, Molly/female character
SGA: John, Teyla; John/Rodney, John/Teyla, Teyla/female character, John/Cameron from SG-1
If you have any questions or need more details, go ahead and ask anonymously. Thanks again, and happy recording!
Crossposted to