And all the world shall cry for your beauty

May 28, 2005 09:50

We are all desperately grasping for some tangible evidence that we have found "this" and we have experienced it. There is no evidence, that's what is so deceiving. Some long so badly for it that they create what they intended to find. So, what they have is nothing. We are all slowly drowning in the pursuit of "this", and every person who is glass to me, is proof again.

I would like to tell you, but you are glass too.
Today is a Blue in Green Day. Listen to it.

Illuminated a thicket of lush green vegetation.
enveloped into natural world of sensation.
mist on bare arms
grass clinging to legs.
breeze blowing hair back
chorus of noises that surrounded
put the rest of the world on mute.
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