But this is such a different subject from my last post, I had to post it in two entries.
I have to cook every Tuesday, and I've hit the cooking blues. I don't have that many recipes and I'm not that original in my cooking, so I'm asking you guys to share some of your favorite recipes here, if you will, for inspiration!
I have to say, I hardly ever eat meat. I hate every kind of pork and turkey, exotic meats and most beef. I eat ground beef, in pasta or cheeseburgers, and I like chicken, especially baked.
To kick things off!
I usually serve this with small baked potatoes.
It's really easy. Get some frozen spinach (not the leafy kind, but also not a la creme because that's too moist. I used about 500 grams for four persons) and defrost it in the microwave. In the mean time, bake some small potatoes. Break eggs in bowl (I use 2 or 2,5 eggs per person), add a splash of milk and beat/stirr. Stirr in the defrosted spinach.
Bake the mixture on low heat in a skillet, flip when the topside is not runny anymore.
Another one that was a big succes recently:
For two persons. I served it with mashed potatoes
500 gr. broccoli
250 gr. mushrooms
1 onion
1 'part' of a clove of garlic
300 gr. chicken filet
100 gr. rasped cheese
120 ml. creme fraiche (sour cream?)
1 tblsp. flour
Slice chicken filet in little parts. Chop up onion. Cut mushrooms in two or four parts. Cook broccoli.
Butter up a oven dish.
Bake the chicken filet, add the onion and mushrooms when it's done. Squeeze the garlic out over it. Mix in the creme fraiche + flour. Add in the broccoli (cut up in little parts, naturally).
Put it in the oven dish, cover it with rasped cheese.
Put in a preheated oven (220 degrees celsius) for 10 minutes.
Now, pleeeeeaaaase will you guys share some recipes? I would be eternally grateful.