I'm not saying Nathan couldn't be a great villain, but I like him more as a reluctant villain. That, and I prefer my Petrelli bro's lovey-dovey.
I loved how Nathan was in season one, all he had was all the ambition in the world, but he didn't want to get caught up in the good vs. evil games, but he just couldn't avoid them. He got pulled into them and became a villain against his own will, but the love he had for his family(/Peter) made him see reason at the last moment.
I need to suspend a whole lot of disbelief to accept Nathan suddenly going against Peter. Peter was the one who always believed in him, no matter what he did, and loved him unconditionally, no matter how badly Nathan treated him. In return, Nathan was the only one who stood by Peter, even when everyone (and he himself too) thought Peter could never accomplish something, or when Peter had gone over to the evil side with Adam, no one could reach him, except Nathan.
What I did notice... when Nathan was showing pictures of the Specials to not!Obama, he didn't include Peter's and Claire's picture, hmmm...
Loved the mirroring of the season one finale though, instead of Nathan saving Peter from exploding by flying away, Peter saved Nathan from the explosion.
So it seems like we're going back to the Five Years Gone future.
So, body count roll call!
I doubt Sylar's dead, that's all.
Don't Meredith and Flint have immunity to their own fire power? I hope so, they rock so hard.
Doyle is dead. I'm a bit sad about that, because I thought he was a hella intruiging villain, and his duel with Sylar, trying to desperately win control over the situation was awesome. (also, Puppedith)
Knox is definitely dead. No real grief. I thought they were going to develop him into an interesting villain, but he was nothing but a henchman.
So it seems like Arthur is dead for real real, not for play play, and I'm happy about that.
Did I miss anyone? Except for like a hundred nameless Primatech henchmen.
Primatech is burned to the ground.
Idk, it doesn't make me very happy, because The Company was always so awesome. You never really knew what they were about. But then again, it made sense, I guess, because although they eventually HAD to reveal stuff about The Company, its loss of mysteriousness made it less interesting.
Here's to a fresh start and moar mysterious companies.
Okay, so, does Mohinder have powers now or not?
I loved the scaliness, but I'm glad we've moved away from "I'M A MONSTAHHHHH". The resolution was a bit weird though. Just by touching the formula he got cured? I would have preferred it if he had desperately gulped down some of it or something.
I am really liking this powers as an extension of someone's personality thing.
Ando's power makes perfect sense. I mean, Ando's a hundred thousand kinds of awesome, but he's always been a helper or enabler of other heroes. Hiro wouldn't have accomplished much on his own if it weren't for Ando helping him, so it makes sense that his power would be to strenghten other people's powers.
(although, how the hell would Ando be able to kill Hiro with this power?)
On the subject of Sylar:
Thank god we have old Sylar back. I still cringe at mentions of how Elle and HRG made him like that, because although I normally hate retcons and rewrites, I wouldn't mind that Syelle storyline being erased out of existence (not the entire flashback episode, because I thought the Petrelli and Mereflint storylines in it were awesome).
Anyway, how can they THINK Sylar would feel guilty about killing if he just goes around killing ALL Primatech employees and playing a game of Saw with everyone left alive in the building?
ALSO I AM SO GLAD THAT HE DIDN'T KILL ANGELA I TOTALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE GOING THERE. At least you have SOME brains left, Heroes writing staff, Angela has been the only constant source of awesome this season.
Claire looked really pretty this episode.
Am I a bad person for really wanting some really, really fucked up Sylaire?
In conclusion: I don't think Heroes will ever go back to S1 greatness again (but please, please, try, Bryan Fuller, god of writing) but at least this season has managed to pull itself halfway up by its bootstraps.
I'm curious for Fugitives, but please, please, PLEASE don't screw Nathan Petrelli up again.
I mean, I love the entire freaking cast, but Robin is so underappreciated, I think. Aww man, I love her. Under that tough exterior there is a little girl who wants to be loved and appreciated (I got soooo sad when they revealed her past in Happily Ever After, my god).
I mean, I love Barney, everyone loves Barney, but I do sometimes think Cobie Smulders/Robin and Jason Segel/Marshall sometimes get a bit shoved aside to let the other characters shine (while Marshall's "LAWYERED!" catchphrase is one of my faves).
Also, Lily <3 You'd think she couldn't get anymore adorable, but she just did. Love her fidgeting about not being able to tell lies.
Lily's lies was one of the best things about the A-Plot this episode, because otherwise I thought it was a bit meh. The other best thing? Barney's improvised Christmas songs about Ted's sister. To quote Barney and his high girly voice, "aaaaawesoooooome".
"I wish I could see her naked, I wish I could see her naked, I wish I could see her naked and down on all fooouuurs."
I was on the FLOOR.
I really loved the B-Plot. Love Robin and Marshall missing their homes, love Robin adapting herself to fit in with the Minnesotans just to feel loved, love how she stood up for Canada, love how Marshall found a Canadian bar just for her, love how Marshall told her that no matter what, Robin was always loved <3
It made me a bit sad that HIMYM doesn't really do the great Friends couple switch ups, because although Lily and Marshall are like the pinnacle of adorable, that scene made me want that Robin and Marshall (I typed Barney. Freudian slip?) got together at one point.
Robin is kind of the group bicycle, though, I mean, she dated Ted, she slept with Barney, I want to see her get it awwwn with Marshall, and even Lily lusts after her!
EPIC LULZ at Barney making out with Ted's mom. Does that mean that there's another little Petrelli on the way?
So, while episodes like Naked Man and The Fight have made me laugh harder, I loved this episode for its many awesome Robin and Marshall moments.
Whew. And to think the only thing I wanted to say about this episode before it turned into a squeecap was this:
Barney, I love you. This letter makes me switch between HAHAHAHA and awwwwwwwww every other line. I nearly teared up when I read 'dad' on this list.
One random thing: I was looking at spoilers for several shows, and one headline to the side caught my attention: "Is Dean's angel gone forever?" and it was about whether Anna would return or not, but when I read the headline I thought 'WHAT CASTIEL IS LEAVING? DDDD:"
Yeah Kripke, you can't brainwash us with your het, we all know that Dean's REAL angel is Castiel (also, I'm glad I'm not the only one who interpreted Castiel's jealous glance at the Deanna kiss as jealous of ANNA, not of Dean).