Big pile of fish...

Nov 25, 2007 19:16

...otherwise known as random update.

Talking about piles of fish, is it true that a Good Omens movie is finally on the way? I've been hearing about it for a while now but it never seemed to take form.
I just googled it, but it seems like it was just another rumor. *sigh*.

I went to Rufus Wainwright's concert in the Heineken Music Hall last Tuesday and OH MY GOD SQUEEEE IT COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE AMAZING.
I love that man. I seriously love that man. If I could I would have pulled a crazy-Jensen-Ackels-fangirl and tackled him to the ground.

With the winter hiatus coming (and the Writer's Strike continuing :< ) I think I'll talk a bit about one of my biggest obsessions:


Some storylines have been boring me to death, but the last three episodes season 2 has been redeeming itself and picking up speed.

I HATED the Peter in Ireland thing. Caitlyn wasn't pretty and she wasn't Peter's one true love show, stop trying to tell me that she was. It was almost Ginny-and-Harry like in the way the writer's were desperately trying to get us enthusiastic about this couple.
Now, when Peter went to the future, ditched Caitlyn, went back and saw Adam and remembered everything: Peter became my favorite character again. I knew he still had it. And Peter/Adam? Best. Duo. Ever.
(except for, you know, Peter and Nathan's true love)
I have to say that my inner Petrellicester has been happy with the new developments as well.

The Wonder Twins.
Kill them, please. Sure, they're both gorgeous as hell, but oh my god, SHOW. KILL THEM. And I was the one person left ready to stick up for them at the beginning. I hate hate hate them now.
The storyline has been the same thing over and over again. Maya is annoying and whiny and the only thing Alejandro has done to keep his character the slightest bit interesting is fighting with Sylar and rejecting Maya.
They managed to make a SYLAR storyline BORING, and that's why they must die.

Love her, love her SO MUCH. Kristen Bell is cute, Elle is the awesome (I have a weakness for sociopaths), she's gorgeous as hell, really funny and SHE IS THE ONLY FEMALE CHARACTER SO FAR TO HAVE ACTUAL CHEMISTRY WITH PETER. LEARN FROM THIS, SHOW.

My Two Daddies.
Molly is still the cutest thing ever, Matt is still extremely dull and Mohinder is still gorgeous. I don't hate him for shooting Noah Bennet. HRG never was one of my favorites, and I think it makes Mohinder that much more interesting. Please, just let him get together with Sylar soon.

Micah and Monica.
Adorable. I can has more of them?

ANOTHER personality? Please let her die because of the virus. Seriously, Ali Larter is a gorgeous woman and she CAN act (the way she handles the different personalities and the shifts between them is awesome) but please, let her character die.

Adrian Pasdar, could I love you more?

At this point I'm ready to say: kill him. Hiro and Ando are still funny, but Hiro's storylines have been boring me since the sword-quest in season one. His moral code is also annoying as fuck and I couldn't have cared less about his Japan storyline.

I love the threat of the Shanti Virus, but I hope the season won't get cut short with the Strike et all. Please, the season is just picking up speed.


I'm glad that up till now the season has been more cohesive than season two. Perhaps it was because in season two they didn't really have something to work up to. In season one they had to find their father, in season two the main arc was a bit vague. Was it searching for the Yellow Eyed Demon? That's what they were doing in S1 as well. Was it that Sam could turn evil? That one has been spread out over three seasons now. This season it's all about fighting the demons that crawled out of hell and making sure Dean doesn't die.
I'm not fond of the new girls, but I'm really happy it wasn't forced romance, like with Jo.
I can't stand Ruby. Wait, let me rephrase that: I'm curious about the character (is she Lucifer?) but I just CAN'T. STAND. THE ACTRESS.
I'm milder towards Bela. Sure, she's annoying and does all kinds of wrong towards 'our' boys, but the boys know that and they hate her too. Besides, Bela is funny, sexy (and I just can't buy a huntress being as well-groomed as Ruby, but Bela's not a huntress) spoiled and selfish and I like her for that.
I LOVED the last episode. I've never been very fond of Gordon episodes, but this one has been the best of the season so far. I really don't mind the extra gore, it's supposed to be a horror show.
(I can't handle horror very well but I feel really cheated if I don't jump out of my seat at least once during an SPN episode).

One thing I really want in my show:
please, please, PLEASE can we get Missouri back? I loved that woman. I loved that woman so much that even though she only was in ONE episode and it has been one and a half season, almost two, since we last saw her, I'm still begging for her to return.

Gossip Girl
I like this so much more than the books, and I LOVE the books.
I couldn't care less about Serena, Dan and Vanessa, but I felt the same way about them in the books.
Blair is fabulous. She's always been my favorite character, but Leighton Meester is SUCH a gorgeous girl, has SUCH an amazing wardrobe and brings so much snark, emotion and fantabulousness to the role that I've fallen head over heels in love with Blair.
Ohhh Chuck. You are so much more fun than you were in the books. He has DEPTH here, imagine that!
Nate is still void of personality, but I'm used to him being that way.
I've never been sure how I felt about Jenny. One moment I love her, the next moment I hate her. She was amazing in the Blair's sleepover episode, but lately she has been copying Vanessa and she turned rather bleh. Besides, she brought her mother home which makes the Humphrey family 100% less interesting.

Pushing Daisies
I never gave the series much thought, but everyone was SCREAMING that this was going to be the best new show of the season, so I decided to check the previews out, and I thought: "Well, that's cute."
So I watched the pilot. And I am in love with this series. I want to have its little technicolor babies.
I never expected I'd love Emerson as much as I do now. I was 'meh' about him in the pilot, but Chi McBride just gets funnier and snarkier and more awesome each episode.
Olive is amazing as well. She has the cutest voice. And she is so tiny, it's adorable. The show just loves playing around with her tinyness. Oh, and: could she zip open her uniform any further without her boobs falling out? I think not, and I love her for that as well.
I thought I was going to love Chuck, but she has been really boring the entire season. Anna Friel is a gorgeous girl, but Chuck hasn't done much besides be a cutesy love interest. Please give her something interesting to do (her friendship with Olive for example is one of the most interesting things happening to Chuck).
Oh, Lee Pace. You are adorable. I love Ned's awkward and nervousness.
As if the characters aren't amazing enough already, I have to say I'm in love with the set and wardrobe people. It's like our world on crack. The colors are breathtaking, I really want Chuck's wardrobe and with the props and the sidestories and all the characters it really is a modern fairytale. Please stay as wonderful as you are now, show.

And there are some other shows I watch and love, but these are the shows I'm most invested in.

(and, oh, yeah:
I want Daisy, Peter and Joshua in the finale in Project Catwalk (Dutch Project Runway. That's all.)

Love you all!

fandom: heroes, fandom: oh noes it owns me!, fandom: rufus wainwright, fandom: supernatural, fandom: pushing daisies, rl: squeeage

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