My former history teacher is SUCH a fanboy.
Last year he overheard a conversation between
mahaltehkitty and me about Heroes, around April, before Heroes aired here.
He completely overtook the conversation, squeeing about Heroes and how awesome Hiro was. I had to get into class so I sat down and he followed me and squeed about the graphic novels.
The geography teacher had to start the class so FHT (don't feel comfortable putting his name online, even though we always address our teachers by their first names) walked out... only to pop his head back in and squee "SYLARRRR!". Awesome.
mahaltehkitty was looking for our art teacher when we passed FHT in the hallway. He said "HI!" and Mahal said "Good afternoon" and I just said "Hey", and we walked on. Suddenly he shouted: "DID YOU WATCH HEROOOOEEEES?"
And I was like: "OfCOURSE. When Claire..."
Him: "...cut off her pinky toe! Awesome!"
I think that Sylar has contracted the virus. Which means that Mohinder has to cure him with a slashtastic needle penetration scene.
Who else laughed at the Sylar MeYay? He wasn't interested in Candace when she transformed into KimonoGirl or DitzyTwins, he only got up out of his chair when she showed him himself in the Black Coat of Hotness.
Matt/Mohinder = domestic slash.
They're like Hiro/Ando with me: I don't read fic about them but I enjoy seeing almostcanon!HoYay between them.
Kensei is made of awesome. Please don't ever die.
Caitlin is ugly.
I really do think that she's ugly and annoying, not just because she's splitting up my OTP.
Still, it would be nice if Peter and Nathan got back together, like, yesterday.
The Ireland/OMGWTFWUTSINTEHBOX storyline is kind of boring me anyway.